Thursday, 2022-03-31

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davedavenport[i]We running into some issues with sby,  it seems error messages use non-existing variable: we hit more of these.10:19
davedavenport[i]after fixing we also notice the latest sby does not works against anymore (but not directly clear to us why). 10:20
davedavenport[i]older version ( 2 years ago) works.10:21
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jixdavedavenport[i]: should be fixed on master now14:38
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rowang077[m]Hello everyone15:35
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rowang077[m]i have 2 clocks coming from the same PLL one is 50Mhz and the other 150Mhz. Their phases are identical. And I need to transmit data from the 150Mhz domain to the 50Mhz domain. Is it possible to write to one of the registers in the 150Mhz domain and then once every 3 cycles write those 3 registers to one register in the 50Mhz domain? 15:38
rowang077[m]I would think since the phases are the same and the clock is a clean multiple this will work without metastability15:38
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gordonDrogonHi. first time FPGA user here (old programmer/'trad. hardware" person) and I am very likely out of my depth here, trying to get PicoRV32 going on a Gowin FPGA (Tang Nano 9K board). I have 'larson scanner' going so-far using the Gowin IDE. Gowin supply a picorv system and I have loaded that up - and it works, but I want to take it apart to better understand the process. Gowin supply it all as encrypted  binary blob - weird when it's all open sou17:03
gordonDrogonrce. I think I need the RV core, 'wishbone', some peripherals and the memory interface. gowin only seem to give it 32KB of RAM but the FPGA has 2MB of RAM. So... Is this a place where someone can point me at some documentation, or some 'bootstrap my brain' online documents to help or am I just biting off too much to start with?17:03
gatecatif you want Gowin specific stuff, I'll ping pepijndevos[m] (you might also want to join #yosys-apicula). unfortunately it's hard to think of some good resources off the top of my head but you might want to look at picosoc, which is an open source picorv32 SoC - the examples are for iCE40 but could easily be ported to Gowin17:42
gatecatmost of that 2MB is internal SDRAM I believe which would need a controller (or perhaps PSRAM, I can't remember the various parts). the 32KB is probably just using the block RAM in the FPGA fabric rather than that.17:43
gordonDrogongatecat, thanks. looking at picosoc now - just using gowin hardware, don't care about the tools, etc.17:55
gordonDrogonthe gowin stuff looked promising at the time...17:55
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