Wednesday, 2022-03-09

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muuoHello everyone! So I'm probably in over my head here, but as a first project, I'm trying to drive an led panel with the icebreaker bitsy. I've been struggling along with it and finally figured out how to setup a testbench and simulate the design with iverilog and visualize the waveforms with GTKWave. I've gotten to the point where the waveforms in GTKWave match my expectations, but the actual waveforms I see from the device (On an oscilloscope) diff05:36
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muuoSome of the waveforms (clocking signals) match the simulated ones, but others are completely flat.05:38
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Xarkmuuo: Maybe output a test signal, or swap some signal pins as a sanity check (of GPIO and probing)?06:28
muuoThanks Xark! I think I've tried that. It seems like the issue is with the registers. Assigning them to different pins doesn't work; but assigning working registers to those pins works.06:30
muuoSo it seems like there's a logic error that only manifests on the device, and not in iVerilog?06:30
XarkDoes your design meeting timing constraints?  You might also try "verilator" with --lint_only if you haven't (finds picky "warnings").06:31
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muuoHmm, thanks Xark! Haven't tried that yet.06:43
muuoI'll give it a go.06:44
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tntmuuo: is your code posted somewhere ?07:19
muuotnt: No, not yet. I'll try and put it up somewhere later this week if it keeps giving me trouble.07:23
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hexcoherandHi everyone. Among (too) many other projects, I've been trying to build something like "Cheat Engine" for debugging robot toys. I have a prototype with some commercial hardware, but this now has me wondering and worried about pipeline latency with an awkward embedded USB controller.19:00
hexcoherandDoes anyone here know of a compact FPGA eval kit with a working CAN transciever, camera, and ideally cell radio?19:01
hexcoherandHere's a lazy preview of what I had with a "comma two":
hexcoherandI've been exploring logic programming for work projects and this toy also really got me wondering about GTKWave performance. I got frustrated that I could shuffle video frames and values around so quickly but I can't in GTKWave. So I've started building something with the same ideas and base project for viewing .fst files.19:15
hexcoherandA mixed signal team at work is already exploring SkyWater 90nm with existing PDKs and they're starting to need a lot of extra custom engineering with a local fab. I'd really like them to build as much as possible on OpenLANE but I really need help enlightning them.19:24
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