Monday, 2022-02-21

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somlogatecat: fedora is prepping for an upgrade to python 3.11, and their test build of prjtrellis failed with a bunch of errors related to `libtrellis//3rdparty/pybind11/include/pybind11/pybind11.h` -- see for the full list of errors21:20
tpbTitle: 2050145 – trellis fails to build with Python 3.11: error: 'PyFrameObject' {aka 'struct _frame'} has no member named 'f_code' (at
somloI'm wondering if the pybind11 include is some sort of vendored thing -- working on articulating something for a github issue description, but haven't made it too far yet :)21:20
gatecatwas just typing that :D21:20
gatecatyeah, the vendored pybind probably needs an update21:21
gatecatI'll look at it tomorrow21:21
somlothanks, much appreciated!21:21
gatecatsomlo: turned out to be (rarely for this kinda thing) pain free so here's to try21:31
gatecatif this works, I can create a point-release if that helps packaging21:31
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