Thursday, 2021-12-02

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bluesceadahey is there some kind of 'strict' mode in yosys ? like "multiple driver" is not an error!15:10
bluesceadaIt is just like "Warning: Driver-driver conflict for ..."15:10
bluesceadaWe are using yosys/nextpnr for teaching. Is there an option to make this an error?15:11
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loftybluesceada: There's -e regex, so you could have your students run a script which is "yosys -e 'Driver-driver conflict'"17:32
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xiretza[m]for future semesters, have you ever considered using VHDL instead of (presumably) Verilog? The language is a lot stricter in general18:24
mewtin what situations would multiple drivers be wanted?19:04
mewtI don't know of any, at least19:04
mwkpretty much the only case is tristate buses19:06
cr1901I... well, I guess a tristate wire CAN be multiply driven. Huh...21:09
Sarayansame for open-collector21:16

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