Thursday, 2021-08-05

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pepijndevosHow do you iopadmap a tbuf that's active low?06:58
pepijndevos gives the inverse behavior of the vendor tools06:59
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pepijndevosUh pretty sure iopadmat just doesn't do that. I'll make an issue to discuss the best way forward. Probably either have some wrapper primitive that has an inverter or add some features to iopadmap.07:04
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jeanthomHi everyone, is there a way to query the ECP5 iodb from pytrellis?17:57
gatecatjeanthom: I'm pretty sure I've always just parsed the JSON tbh18:21
jeanthomas in tools/
gatecatyep, and the nextpnr import script:
jeanthomok thanks18:22
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jeanthomgatecat: Are the coordinates matching between iodb.json and what I can input in libtrellis Chip's get_tiles_by_position?19:12
gatecatyeah, they should be19:12
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