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sf-slack | <carlosedp> Hi all, is there any prebuilt packages for prjxray that I don’t need to install from source (and have Vivado installed) ? | 20:13 |
sf-slack | <carlosedp> I’m building a container image to test the Kintex7 workflow | 20:13 |
sf-slack | <kgugala> prjxray generates database | 20:14 |
sf-slack | <carlosedp> yep… I’m trying to build from source and I understood it needs Vivado… | 20:14 |
sf-slack | <kgugala> the database can be found here https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db | 20:14 |
sf-slack | <carlosedp> on step 6 from here: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray/ | 20:15 |
sf-slack | <carlosedp> it asks to do `make db-prepare-kintex7` (in my case) | 20:16 |
sf-slack | <carlosedp> this required Vivado | 20:16 |
sf-slack | <kgugala> this generates the database | 20:16 |
sf-slack | <kgugala> the one I linked | 20:16 |
sf-slack | <carlosedp> ah ok, so I can skip it… | 20:16 |
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