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sf-slack2 | <fahrenkrog> Hey all, as a user I found the documentation on how to get started with RISC-V and Symbiflow a bit murky. I finished one example based on the PicoSOC examples, writing the steps I followed and also some simulation as well. This is a work in progress for me, but someone else might benefit from this information if they are getting started: https://github.com/betocool-prog/symbiflow_adventures | 12:50 |
sf-slack2 | https://github.com/betocool-prog/picosoc_step_01 | 12:50 |
sf-slack2 | <fahrenkrog> Feel free to read, comment, suggest, etc, contribute, etc, if it helps. I will add more information whenever I get around to expand to larger projects. | 12:51 |
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sf-slack | <timo.callahan> Hi @fahrenkrog, thanks for this info! This brings back memories of my start with FPGA boards :) . You definitely caught a gap in the documentation with respect to `udev` rules. I'll open an issue. In the future feel free to open an issue directly -- whatever you found to be difficult or missing, others will likely run into the same thing, so it should be fixed. | 20:35 |
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