Thursday, 2021-12-09

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s_i_mHi, I have a question: does symbiflow support Spartan-6?15:56
sf-slack<kgugala> s_i_m: no it does not (yet)15:57
s_i_mi see, thanks15:58
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ssb"yet" ? is anyone working on it?16:29
bl0x"yet" probably more in the sense that nothing would in principle prevent supporting spartan6.19:04
CarlosEDPHi all, how are the arch-def packages provided for download here <> are made? I'd like to generate a fresh quicklogic one but couldn't find any script or something like that...20:21
tpbTitle: Getting SymbiFlow — SymbiFlow examples documentation (at
CarlosEDPs/<//, s/>//, s/are//20:24
tcalkgugala: is updating and publishing the DBs for symbiflow-examples still a manual process?20:26
CarlosEDPbecause there are some updates to the wrapper scripts in QL tree <> that makes adding support to FuseSoc to generate full bitstream more automated20:28
CarlosEDPbut I believe there is some overlap on the `make env` that is on arch-defs and the conda env that is in symbiflow-examples repo...20:29
CarlosEDPfrom what I understood, the tarballs only contain the wrapper scripts and device databases...20:30
sf-slack<kgugala> tcal: yep, you need to update the env files - (for xc7) and for eos-s320:34
CarlosEDPwhich tree is used? the upstream Symbiflow or Quicklogic-Corp one?20:36
sf-slack<kgugala> the CI is running code snippets directly from this doc
tpbTitle: Getting SymbiFlow — SymbiFlow examples documentation (at
sf-slack<kgugala> if you want to change something you need to open a PR updating the docs20:39
CarlosEDPno no .. I mean20:42
CarlosEDPI'd like to know how the arch-defs packages are being built...20:42
CarlosEDPbecause I'd like to built one from latest QuickLogic-Corp/symbiflow-arch-defs tree20:42
sf-slack<kgugala> oh, I see20:43
sf-slack<kgugala> you can follow this test
sf-slack<kgugala> basically create env20:45
sf-slack<kgugala> then `export CMAKE_FLAGS="-GNinja -DINSTALL_FAMILIES=qlf_k4n8,pp3 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL_DIR}"`20:45
sf-slack<kgugala> and `ninja install -j$(nproc)`20:45
sf-slack<kgugala> you may want to set install dir so the filles will not land in your system20:46
CarlosEDPI saw on google repo some package from december 07 ... but it's missing a script... symbiflow_write_binary20:46
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