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sf-slack | <acomodi> @mithro: ping for pushing a new prjxray-db version after https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray/pull/1705 | 09:07 |
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sf-slack | <xanjohns> Another student and I are working on a "common-config" repo to standardize several features of SymbiFlow repositories (community files, auto-formatters, sphinx setup, etc). This repo will eventually need to be merged as a subtree with all other SymbiFlow repositories. We have a Google Doc that explains how we see this process going. We have recently updated the document with answers to some of @mithro’s questions, | 16:28 |
sf-slack | but are looking for more feedback/comments/suggestions. We would invite anyone to take a look at the Google Doc and leave comments. @kgugala | 16:28 |
mithro | Hi xanjohns! | 16:29 |
sf-slack | <kgugala> Hi @xanjohns, we'll take a look at the doc | 16:33 |
sf-slack | <kgugala> I suppose @tmichalak @mkurc and @acomodi are the right people to review it | 16:34 |
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