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tpb | ZipCPU has quit freenode (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | 05:42 |
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jophish | /join #systemd:libera.chat | 07:09 |
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tpb | Coldberg has joined on freenode | 10:53 |
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lambda | I know it's just trying to be helpful, but tpb is quite chatty :/ | 12:33 |
gatecat | yeah, it'd be good if we could turn off the join/leaves for sure | 12:33 |
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tpb | <mithro> I'm unsure how to do that | 14:34 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <pgielda> We probably can do it for the slack bridge... | 14:56 |
tpb | gsmecher has joined on freenode | 15:32 |
mithro | If anyone can figure out how, would be more than happy to turn it off | 16:56 |
lambda | is it actually a supybot like the user says? | 17:05 |
lambda | another option would be to just drop the freenode channel, that's the only place join/leave events are replicated from | 17:07 |
tpb | <mithro> Yes | 17:08 |
tpb | <mithro> (Yes it is supybot / limera (sp?)) | 17:09 |
lambda | wow, supybot includes a homemade upvars implementation, how amazingly hacky https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria/blob/master/src/dynamicScope.py | 17:16 |
tpb | <https://x0.no/4uxk5> (at github.com) | 17:16 |
lambda | but no, as far as I can tell they can only be transformed to notices | 17:16 |
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