Wednesday, 2019-06-05

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KjetilAny news?19:02
Bertl_oObut it's good to hear that you're still alive :)20:09
felix_hehe. i'm currently at an open source firmware hackathon; had some nice barbecue on a rooftop today20:13
felix_from the beginning of last week we got new windows in our office; was expected to be done in two days, but as far as i heard that's not finished yet...20:15
Bertl_oOwill take another year or os :)20:16
felix_i hope not; had to put everything on my desk in boxes, so i couldn't really work on things. at least i had a reason to clean my desk ;)20:17
Bertl_oOyou sure that wasn't a trick to get you to clean up in the first place?20:18
felix_wanted to have the roof windows replaced before we set up our office there, but it took a bit more than 2 years for that to finally happen20:25
se6astianif we invited you to a roof barbecue on the Tele building would that get you motivated enough to resume SDI development?20:28
felix_ask me again next week; might be able to visit you for a few days to continue to work on photonsdi. depends on some factors i don't know yet at the meoment20:36
felix_and it's not that much a motivation problem, but more a being busy with other stuff problem20:38
se6astianwill do20:48
se6astianright so let me rephrase that question: what can we do to make everyone else a lot less motivated to work with you ? :)20:48
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