Friday, 2018-11-30

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
*** se6astian|away is now known as se6astian08:23
*** Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl_oO08:35
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away12:14
*** se6astian|away is now known as se6astian12:28
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away16:16
*** se6astian|away is now known as se6astian17:34
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away22:20
*** RexOrCine|away is now known as RexOrCine22:22
RexOrCineGreat stuff.22:48
RexOrCine"the media industry has enforced a ban on disseminating these master keys." < Some specifics on that would have been good i,e, who specifically was behind this ban. It wouldn't be Westinghouse by any chance would it?22:50
RexOrCine... because that's owned/managed by some right evil bastards. And it's into all sorts of toxic shit (literally), but it owns about 50 TV channels and other assorted media outfits.22:51

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