Friday, 2018-10-05

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Bertl_oOfelix_: have you written a test procedure how to check that the FPGA is properly working (soldered) yet?03:04
Bertl_oOif not, would be great if you could do so, to avoid sending the assembled boards forth and back till they 'work' :)03:05
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felix_haven't done that yet, but it is a good idea. i'll put that on my todo list14:28
felix_oh and i still don't know when exactly i'll have time to go to vienna; so far i can only say that it will likely be between calender week 43 and 47...14:31
felix_the part of the design that is still a bit unclear to me is btw. the part where the camera talks to the fpga via jtag14:36
Bertl_oOthis should be similar to the way the USB 3.0 plugin is handled, but for an initial test I would suggest to connect the JTAG directly (eliminating other problems)15:25
felix_in standalone mode, the modules needs two power supplies (5v and 3.3v); that's a bit annoying, but needed one of the ti stepdown modules less. or route the jtag to some other connector on the camera?15:30
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Bertl_oOI guess we all have a desktop power supply which can provide 5V and 3.3V16:00
felix_yep. hmm, maybe i should have also designed a small baseboard for bringup with a 5v->3.3v stepdown and a ft2232h that connects to both jtag and serial port. but that's something that can be improvised with two pcie x1 connectors and a few wires16:04
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RexOrCineIs it possible to get a rough ball-park percentage of the module's software completion please?16:51
Bertl_oOmy guess would be roughly 0% ;)16:57
felix_the gateware? that's rather hard to say. i did most of the work to understand how things work, maybe about 60% of how to implement them, but only maybe 25% of the final implementation, that is also mostly untested16:58
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Bertl_oOreally 25% already?16:59
felix_iirc the scrambler, the crc, small part of the frame generation (need to rewrite that to use it on the axiom beta though!) and some other stuff i don't really remember are sort-of implemented17:01
felix_need to be properly tested and cleaned up though17:01
felix_currently it's a unreleaseable mess that contains nonfree parts and was maybe last tested two weeks before the last change17:03
felix_my plan is to first work on the board support for the current prototype17:03
felix_that's osmething that can be released as soon as it's finished17:04
felix_then cleaning up and testing the scrambler and crc; if that works already release that part17:04
felix_then the rest ;)17:04
felix_need to set up my improvised hardware in the loop test thing again to test things; needed the test station for another (commercial) project, so i took it apart17:07
KjetilI guess we need to at least do some SDI jitter testing at some point17:08
felix_talking about hardware-based test setups: (probably not useful for the axiom, but very useful for some other projects i have ;)17:09
tpbTitle: GitHub - felixheld/qspimux: QSPI flash multiplexer - connect a SPI NOR flash to either an embedded system or a programmer for remote firmware tests (at
felix_first get it working amd then do the jitter test. shouldn't be too bad though, since we use the good sdi interface chips ;)17:09
KjetilI'm not that worried about the high frequency jitter. Low frequency is a different story17:10
felix_might need some parameter tweaking on the silabs chip17:11
felix_but since that chip is used for 12g sdi applications, i don't see a too big problem that can't be solved17:12
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Kjetilfelix_: You were using kicad for the layout?18:22
felix_some nightly build version18:42
KjetilHappy with it ?18:42
felix_i mean the commercial software packages cost a lot of money and also have their sometimes severe problems18:43
felix_the layout part of kicad is rather good; the schematics part and especially the library part still have a lot of room for improvement18:44
KjetilLast time I looked into it defining new components were a hassle18:44
felix_oh and a bit of a problem in the axiom photonsdi hardware was that i starte the design with a rather old version, so i mostly use the old footprints for r/c/l; the newer one is a bit better, but changing this would have resulted in a lot of small changes on the board18:46
felix_footprints or schematic symbols?18:46
felix_the how those two work together is one of my main issues with kicad, but well...18:47
KjetilIf I remember correctly there was some peculiarities with linking schematics symbols to footprints18:47
Kjetilso yeah18:47
felix_you can add the information to the symbol which footprint should be used with it18:47
felix_i like that not every library has its own version of a footprint like in eagle, but the linking of symbol and footprint is much smoother in eagle18:48
felix_also looked a bit into altium, but i know the issues with altium mainly from a colleague who had rather serious issues with that tool18:49
KjetilI have a really old version of altium in a VM. But it is a bit unstable18:50
felix_have also tried some other tools, but those 3 are the ones i know enough about to rant about ;P18:50
KjetilSo I'm looking for an alternative that is a bit more up to date18:50
felix_yeah, altium still crashes from time to time, but when you're not careful, you also might end up with getting non-wroking pcbs... (hidden layers or polygons end up being blank in the generated production data; and some othre stuff i don't remember)18:51
felix_kicad has a nice mode where it still shows the other layers in a dark gray, and only shows the current layer brighlt colored18:53
felix_but yeah, some time ago i also had a layer problem with kicad; somehow it didn't generate the solder mask for the bottom layer. that was maybe 3 years ago though and my pcb manufacturer caught that problem before the pcb went into production18:54
Kjetil"To do: ... Integrate PCB calculator code into PCBnew/eeschema allowing for direct control of track impedance. Impedance for the lines could be defined as a net property/attribute." - well.. Yes!18:58
felix_yep, thats not implemented yet. and the net classes had a nasty well not exactly bug, but unexpected behaviour, that the net class geometry you defined for differential signals was ignored. that should be fixed in current nightly builds though19:04
felix_the lenght matching tools also have some not very well documented keybindings to change parameters; iirc two of the parameters that were in there a few years ago also seemed to be dropped19:05
felix_but at least it has rather useable length matching tools19:05
felix_oh and anoth ernasty bug in altium was when you have a multiscreen setup, it might happen that you place things in the schematics when clicking inside another window on another screen when the altium schematics windows had the input focus before that19:09
felix_*another nasty19:09
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