Thursday, 2018-08-30

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felix_did you already order the boards or are you waiting for me to do things? i could check the footprints again, but if the boards are already ordered, i won't do that18:12
se6astiannot ordered yet18:13
felix_ok, then i'll have a look at the footprints again soon; not sure if today or on saturday though18:14
se6astianright, just let us know once the design is ready18:14
felix_will do18:17
Bertlwe will likely order on Sunday or Monday together with other PCBs18:18
Bertlmaybe earlier if everything goes well18:19
felix_currently i'm basically rewriting my invoice generator and working on slides for a conference talk, but i can get the part of the review i want to do until then18:19
felix_ will be the conference talk18:20
Bertldid you try the KiCad designs and/or gerbers on OSHpark yet?18:20
tpbTitle: OSFC 2018 - European Open Source Firmware Conference (at
felix_i've never ordered pcbs at oshpark18:21
Bertljust upload them and check the renderings18:21
felix_hm, maybe one ddesign i did was manufactured at oshpark, but that was back then when i was still using eagle18:21
Bertlas I mentioned some time ago, they provide some insight18:21
felix_ah, so upload the file there and i'll get renderings of the boards back?18:22
felix_ok, i'll try that when i've had a look at the footprints18:23
* felix_ puts things on his todo list ;)18:24
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