Tuesday, 2018-05-15

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se6astianhi felix_: how are things going?11:33
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felix_i'm currenty working on the footprints, but that involves more yak shaving than i hoped :/14:34
se6astianso do you think a version to order before you leave in two days is realistic?14:40
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felix_it's gonna be tough; i could also work on that when i'm in india, but i'd try to get as much ready before that, since i don't have my workstation in india and layouting pcbs on a laptop is rather meh14:45
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felix_oh and i have most of today and tomorrow to push the project forward14:49
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se6astianfelix_: fingers crossed then -> gogogo :D17:23
Bertl_oOpush it!17:24
felix_the eeprom on the north connector isn't populated on the existing boards, but should still be included in the design, right?19:24
felix_oh and which voltages are vcc and vccio on the high speed connector?19:26
felix_is vccio the 1.8v the io bank connected to the lvds pairs should be connected to?19:27
felix_ah, seems so. still the question what vcc (pin B13) is19:29
felix_oh and what the pwrgd pin does on the axiom connector19:30
felix_Bertl_oO: ^19:30
Bertl_oOeeprom only one on a dual slot plugin19:37
Bertl_oOvccio is 2.5V by default but can be anything between 1.8 and 3.3 in theory19:38
Bertl_oOVCC is typically 3.3V but could go down to 2.5V19:38
felix_so vccio is for the lvds pairs and vcc is for the single ended ios that are connected to the machxo2?19:39
Bertl_oOyep, precisely19:40
Bertl_oOrealistically the MachXO GPIOs will always be 3.3V and also can be configured in the new power board19:40
Bertl_oOso the plugin can provide information about the requirements and the camera can adjust19:41
Bertl_oOfor the pwrgd pin we haven't decided yet19:42
Bertl_oOi.e. it was suggested to provide some kind of 'reset' and/or power good feedback from the plugin19:42
Bertl_oOtill now the pin is basically unused (and unconnected)19:43
felix_is it guaranteed that the 5v pin is always powered when vcc/vccio is powered?19:45
Bertl_oOno, they are basically independent19:45
Bertl_oOi.e. 5V can be powered down (on recent betas) with VCCIO/VCC up19:45
Bertl_oO(and vice versa)19:45
felix_uh oh19:46
felix_so i should rather generate all voltages from the 5v rail?19:46
felix_hm, i don't have a 2.5v rail on my board yet though19:47
Bertl_oOdepends on what you plan to do with the voltages19:53
Bertl_oOthey (VCCIO/VCC) are designed to power IO banks and level converter19:53
Bertl_oOso if you have a dedicated bank for interfacing, you can simply hook up the VCC/VCCIO rail to your plugin and that's it19:54
Bertl_oOthe 5V rail is basically if you need anything else/independent from the I/O rails19:55
KjetilI guess it might more be a question of current per rail?20:08
Bertl_oOVCCIO should work up to 3A20:09
Bertl_oOVCC at least 2A20:09
Bertl_oObut the limit for 5V is 3A as well (actually less)20:10
Bertl_oOnote that you won't fit 3/2/3A in the total power budget though20:10
felix_hm, i'd have to have a look if it's ok for the fpga to have some io rails powerde while the core isn't powered; only had the case that some io isn't always powered while the core is always powered20:14
KjetilYou will also have coolingissues with 20W+ going into the module20:14
Bertl_oOfelix_: any sequencing could be controlled by the camera20:16
Bertl_oO(at least on modern power boards that is)20:16
Bertl_oOon the older ones, the 5V rail is 'always' on while the VCC/VCCIO can be controlled20:16
felix_ah, ok, so just use vcc/vccio for the two io banks facing the camera and the 5v rail for everything else20:17
Bertl_oOshould work that way20:18
Bertl_oOif you have 'other' 3V3 banks to power, you could 'require' VCC to be 3V3 and use that too (for example)20:18
felix_the configuration io bank and the flash are also 3.3v20:20
felix_so i can use vcc instead of the regulator on the sdi board, right?20:20
felix_most power will be drawn from the 1.0 and 1.8v rails anyway that are powered by those little tps modules from the 5v rail20:21
Bertl_oOyeah, low speed I/O banks do not draw much power20:22
Bertl_oOLVDS channels on the other hand ...20:22
Bertl_oObut powering the core and MGTs from 5V is probably a good idea20:23
felix_on the mgts: i'm still not sure if i could use the fpga 1v rail and some filtering or use a dedicated stepdown or use an ldo from the 1.8v fpga aux rail20:24
Bertl_oO1.8V to 1V is not that much, so an LDO would be an option20:25
felix_in the designs i did, i always used a dedicated stepdown, but on a 400 euro fpga the few euros for the stepdown modules just didin't matter and i had plenty of board space20:25
felix_and 1.8v to 1.2v for the second gtp rail20:25
Bertl_oOwhat's the 1.2V used for?20:26
felix_uh, the gtp need 1.0 and 1.2v20:26
felix_mgtavcc and mgtavtt20:26
Bertl_oOyeah, but what's the power there?20:27
Bertl_oOis it termination (high power) or reference (low power)?20:27
felix_mgtref is another pin20:29
KjetilLDOs will probably give you good analog performance. But as Bertl_oO says it depends on the current requirements20:35
felix_meh, to get some values for the current on the lines, i'd need to use the power estimator spreadsheet that only works in microsoft excel. iirc it was like 300mA per gtp per rail20:36
felix_ah, mgtavtt is for the termination and mgtavcc is for the rest of the gtp20:40
felix_the vcc/vccio of both slots is connected together on the axiom or are that different rails?20:44
Bertl_oOthey are independent rails but with some constraints20:46
Bertl_oOVCC is basically a separate rail for each plugin20:48
Bertl_oOVCCIO is the same rail as used for the ZYNQ banks 13/34/3520:49
Bertl_oOnote that each bank has a separate regulator on the power board20:49
felix_ok, so i only use power from one of the connectors20:51
Bertl_oOI presume you connect all LVDS channels from the plugin interfaces?20:51
Bertl_oOso you need to basically 'specify' a common voltage requirement for both banks (for the module)20:52
Bertl_oOunless you are connecting them to two different banks, in which case you could simply split the bank voltage20:52
Bertl_oObut in any case, if you are using LVDS, the bank voltage does not matter much20:53
felix_hmm, i have to see if i can put them on different rails20:53
Bertl_oO(besides that it has to be enough for LVDS :)20:53
felix_hehe, true that20:53
felix_on the i2c eeprom: why is there both a resistor to vcc and gnd? or is the one to vcc not populated?21:08
Bertl_oOthe idea here is to populate both (which disabled the write protection) and once the EEPROM is properly programmed, simply remove the one to GND21:10
Bertl_oOof course, if you want the EEPROM to stay configurable, you can just leave it on or not populate the one to VCC21:11
felix_ah, ok. so i leave both in the design21:11
felix_hmm, i'll probably connect the xadc supply to the fpga rails, since i have quite a bit of routing congestion in that area. sure, the values from the xadc will probably have a lot of noise, but its only application might be getting a rough device temperature, so i'd say that this shouldn't be a big problem21:34
felix_so basically dropping the suggested filter for the supply and connecting it directly to the digital supply21:36
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