Monday, 2018-05-07

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
*** se6astian|away is now known as se6astian07:53
*** Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl09:22
*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO12:59
*** Kjetil_ has joined #photonsdi13:10
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felix_from the functional block diagram of the gs12182 i'd say that it won't be useful for us: - it can only output one of the input streams and not two different streams on its two outputs13:42
*** RexOrCine|away is now known as RexOrCine13:49
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away15:30
Bertl_oOyep, looks like ...16:15
*** Bertl_oO is now known as Bertl16:52
*** se6astian|away is now known as se6astian16:54
*** Kjetil_ is now known as Kjetil17:09
*** RexOrCine is now known as RexOrCine|away20:44
*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO21:04
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away21:28
*** RexOrCine|away is now known as RexOrCine22:40

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