Tuesday, 2018-03-27

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felix_hmm, i wonder if i should put one or two vcxos on the board or just use one or two fixed frequency oscillator. for just getting an output signal one non-vc oscillator would be sufficient and if the digital pll thing described in xapp589 works, it would be possible to lock the output to a reference input signal. the sdi interface chips we use have a retimer, so the jitter issue probably shouldn't be too14:33
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Bertl_oOhey, hast du grad dein windows bei der hand?20:48
Bertl_oO*oops* wrong window, sorry20:49
Kjetil_felix_: you still need both 148.5 and 148.5/1.00122:04
felix_or just support the formats with 148.4mhz base frequency as outputs22:11

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