Thursday, 2015-01-08

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ajrusty: so are there actual plans for pettycoin 2.0? your sabbatical's over in theory now right?01:45
ajrusty: or is that the sort of thing you'd save for a talk at a major international conference, were one conveniently coming up?01:46
rustyaj: sorry, was lunching.02:33
rustyaj: yeah, sabbatical is finished.  And with the sidechains paper, it's pretty clear that pettycoin should be a sidechain(TM).02:34
ajrusty: it's okay, i wasn't going to read anything you wrote until there were five or six followups in case the channel got reorganised in the meantime02:34
rustyaj: Sidechains are handwavy right now, I expect a BIP draft to come out of blockstream in the next few months, then an implementation.  That's going to be the best path forward: fork that reference implementation.02:35
rustyaj: actually, I expect the sidechains BIP to drop just before my talk, just to mess me up.02:38
ajrusty: that seems like it'd be a pretty quick move from handwavy to specced02:40
rustyaj: naah, they truncated the paper because it was too long.  I'm pretty sure they have a prototype or two already.02:40
ajrusty: ahh, interesting02:41
rustyaj: I got more clues from gmaxwell on #bitcoin-wizards, which wasn't spelled out in the paper.02:41
ajrusty: (btw, have you read Vinge's _A Deepness in the Sky_? my take on Satoshi is there's an alien spacecraft in the solar system somewhere, who wanted to be able to transact in the economy, so decided to present us with advance cryptocurrency technology by hacking into the internet with an invented persona)02:43
rustyaj: if so, he's got a pretty long timespan.  None of the original satoshi coins have moved (though that could be a red herring)02:44
ajrusty: well, the Deepness in the Sky storyline is the orbiting aliens need planetary resources to repair their ship, iirc. so expect them to fund Elon Musk etc when missions to mars get closer, i guess?02:45
rustyaj: Ah, the signs are clear!  First they tried to use Elon as a patsy to set up a global financial alternative, and when that didn't pan out they diverted their puppet to spaceships, and tried again....02:46
ajrusty: iirc, some of the folks on planet get to ride on the alien spacecraft once it's repaired! just sayin!02:48
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