Tuesday, 2014-12-02

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arhuacoRusty: Hi there. I have a few hours tonight. How can I help? I guess I can make the (basic) explorer now. The network is not running ATM.05:20
rustyarhuaco: yes, do is screwed :(05:34
rustyarhuaco: hmm, manual power off, power on seemed to fix it.  Not sure for how long...05:50
arhuacoRusty: Good.05:50
rustyarhuaco: so, I'm in the last two weeks of my sabbatical to work on pettycoin.  At a time when everyone is talking about sidechains (hey, we have a name now!).  So there are a few really good ideas on how to do a "scalable bitcoin", and I'm reviewing them vs. pettycoin one by one.05:51
rustyarhuaco: but the net result will probably be a reboot/major rewrite of the project05:51
arhuacoRusty: Oh, I see. So it means that I better wait before building something?05:59
arhuacoRusty: I noticed things changed a lot, in the last weblog post. No longer partial knowledge it seems.06:00
rustyarhuaco: yes, I think so.06:04
rustyarhuaco: yes, there should still be partial knowledge, just done a different way.06:04
rustyarhuaco: The reason I started re-evaluating is that there seems a real chance that bitcoin will be changed (soft-forked) to support sidechains.06:05
rustyarhuaco: this would get rid of the need for gateways (yay!!) but would require sidechains to look more like bitcoin, and understand the bitcoin protocol.06:05
rustyarhuaco: I simplified the bitcoin format, but there's not much point if I need to parse bitcoin anyway; might as well just copy it.  For example, we'd need locktime if we wanted to do atomic swaps, which would swap bitcoin for pettycoin.06:06
arhuacoRusty: I seee. Lots of actions with sidechains recently. Many things have changed.06:11
rustyarhuaco: yes, it's very cool work!06:13
arhuacoRusty: So, I better wait until you change things. Things will probably change a lot.06:24
rustyarhuaco: yes.... I'm tempted to start from the bitcoin reference client, or libbitcoin, and modify that.  Much more will be similar now, so reimplemting just means new bugs.06:35
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