Wednesday, 2014-10-29

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rustyarhuaco: weird... I've verified that it's sending blocks to you.  But looks like you're not receiving them....00:59
rustyarhuaco: ping me when you get back.  I'm going to grab some lunch00:59
arhuacoRusty: I see. Back.01:10
rustyarhuaco: hi!  OK, I want to see if the packets are getting to your end...01:21
arhuacoRusty: Sure. How can we test? Tcpdump?01:23
rustyarhuaco: yeah... I'm just installing it on the other end now.  I'll put a breakpoint in, so I can tell youe xactly when it's coming.  Should be 880 bytes01:24
rustyarhuaco: BTW< are you generating too?01:26
arhuacoRusty: What do you mean by generating? Mining01:26
rustyarhuaco: yep...01:26
arhuacoRusty: I set the mining flag. But I haven't checked if I have mined a block.01:27
* arhuaco is looking for the pettycoin port.01:27
arhuacoOh, it's therel. 832301:31
rustyarhuaco: yep, was just checking.  8323 for my node.01:31
rustyarhuaco: now waiting for my v. slow machine to generate a block...01:32
arhuacoRunning: tcpdump -i wlan0 port 8323 # I haven't used it in a while. Is this what I need?01:33
rustyarhuaco: that should work... OK, block coming now...01:34
rustyarhuaco: OK, looks like it wrote to and
rustyarhuaco: either of them you?01:35
arhuacoMine should be
arhuaco104.131.198.157 is also me, but in the DigigalOcean machine. That Pettycoin is on block  26060.01:37
arhuacoRusty: BTW, I'm behind a nat! I gave you my IP, but I'm natted.01:38
arhuacoRusty: (I guess were talking about a TCP connection anyway...)01:38
rustyarhuaco: hmm... OK, so looks like we're not connected, which makes sense01:39
arhuacoRusty: Last messages were: (I guess were talking about a TCP connection anyway...)01:40
arhuacoRusty: Last messages were: Peer 0 @::ffff: gave us block 25705:01:40
arhuacoPeer 0 @::ffff:    85820bd7c76c32e7982cb54a892cb65bb0e3877b733d521517de35df1100000001:40
rustyarhuaco: yeah, so I just fixed a bug where that peername is wrong...01:41
rustyarhuaco: it prints its own address, instead of the remote end :(01:41
rustyarhuaco: it looks like you're still connected to *a* peer, but don't know who that is.01:41
rustyarhuaco: ah, actually, with NAT, if the peer fell off the net, your node might not know.01:42
rustyarhuaco: looks like it's time to fix two FIXMES:01:42
arhuacoRusty: I see.01:42
rusty(1) Add a timer to occasionally seek more peers.01:42
rusty(2) Add a ping message if there's no activity for a while.01:43
arhuacoRusty: I see. So, you think that the (lag) issue now only should happen behind a NAT?01:48
rustyarhuaco: well, it's probably more that the remote end vanished without sending a FIN/RST, and with no traffic to trigger it, we never notice it's gone away.01:50
arhuacoRusty: Ah, I see.01:51
rustyarhuaco: obviously, the client should be retrying to get more peers anyway.  And it should send out a keepalive every 10 minutes or so if there's been no traffic.  So that's what I'll work on now (now I've fixed the peer name problem!)01:52
githubby[pettycoin] rustyrussell pushed 4 new commits to master:
githubbypettycoin/master 2fe8b28 Rusty Russell: getinfo/getpeerinfo: add uuid fields....01:54
githubbypettycoin/master 0992bb9 Rusty Russell: log: fix peer name....01:54
githubbypettycoin/master 62eb206 Rusty Russell: netaddr: make peer vs local addr explicit....01:54
githubby[pettycoin] rustyrussell pushed 1 new commit to master:
githubbypettycoin/master 7523a44 Rusty Russell: Fix compile warnings (missing headers) from previous commit....02:10
arhuacoRusty: Hi there. I'm seeing a segfault now.
tpbTitle: mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb7 - (at
rustyarhuaco: Hmm, I saw one here too... currently running under valgrind but it hasn't tripped again (yet)04:22
rustyarhuaco: don't supposed you could 'gdb pettycoin core' and 'bt'?04:23
arhuacoRusty: Here it is consistent. All the time I start it :-)04:23
rustyarhuaco: that's good!04:23
rustyarhuaco: ok, since it's not just me, let me see if I can reproduce w/o valgrind.04:24
tpbTitle: ==27076== unmarshaled block size 832 ==27076== Invalid read of size 4 ==270 - (at
rustyarhuaco: well, that's simple, at least.  NULL deref.  One moment...04:26
rustyarhuaco: make clean && make04:28
rustyarhuaco: I suspect a structure got out of sync between files04:29
rustyarhuaco: if that doesn't fix it, please upload the ~/.pettycoin/blockfile somewhere and I'll load it up here?04:30
arhuacoRusty: Sure. Testing.04:31
arhuacoRusty: Gave us 1 children for c3994085d882c0a5bc582011acdf0b7669b5ae2f18260af0132e6aed04000000 \n Awaiting responses.04:35
arhuacoRusty: Settling with 1 peer.04:35
rustyarhuaco: ah, so that was it.  I should really enhace my makefiles, sorry :(04:35
arhuacoRusty: Settling with 1 peer.04:36
arhuacoRusty: No problem. I'm glad I can help catch bugs.04:43
rustyarhuaco: you're great at finding them!!04:43
githubby[pettycoin] rustyrussell pushed 10 new commits to master:
githubbypettycoin/master 18054bd Rusty Russell: tx_len: length function for transactions (replacing marshal_tx_len)...04:49
githubbypettycoin/master 3f6433d Rusty Russell: tx.c: out-of-line most tx functions....04:49
githubbypettycoin/master 40da5da Rusty Russell: test: add named_blocks common helper....04:49
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