Monday, 2014-10-27

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arhuacorusty: Hi there. You probably know, but it seems servers have been down. Or at least, I cannot find peers. I will probably code something tomorrow. I'll expose a basic API through a websocket first.05:44
rustyarhuaco: woah, I didn't check today.  Hmm...05:44
arhuacoI think I tried Sat and Sun (GMT-5) and I could not find peers.05:45
arhuacorusty: BTW, it seems to me that now the chain (stored in disk) is checked more than once. I don't know if it has to do with with not being able to find peers.05:46
rustyarhuaco: laest git?>05:46
arhuacorusty: Yes.05:46
rustyarhuaco: I upgraded the petty1 server, looks like I broke something :(05:46
rustyarhuaco: Hmm, it should be faster with initial sync now (which was the easiest way to trigger the left- behind bug(s)), but I'll check that too05:47
arhuacorusty: I think after a while the chain is checked again. Again, I don't know what it has to do with Pettycoin not finding peers.05:48
rustyarhuaco: ok, first I've found the reason that pettycoin is down (I cleaned up logging, and broke something).  Writing test and fixing now.05:53
rustyarhuaco: then I'll re-run pettycoin and see if I get the same re-checking behaviour05:53
rustyarhuaco: oh, you have a script that restarts pettycoin,r ight?05:53
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githubby[pettycoin] rustyrussell pushed 1 new commit to master:
githubbypettycoin/master 531671c Rusty Russell: log: fix use-after-free in 47dfcb7bab4bc06c1d2186604ca6385c7ad32884...06:06
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rustyarhuaco: ok, if you don't specify --seeding, it will exit if it can't find any peers.  And you have a script which restarts it, yes?06:26
arhuacorusty: Oh! That's it. I did not notice it was exiting. I think that's because I was not used to not finding peers.06:28
rustyarhuaco: yeah, it kind of shou;dn06:28
rustyshouldn't happen :)06:29
rustyFixed now..06:29
arhuacorusty: Adding the --seeding flag.06:29
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