Sunday, 2014-09-14

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arhuacoHi there rusty. Is gateway injection working? I do not see it with dumbwallet (and I wonder why getinfo is stuck showing the same hashes).06:27
rustyarhuaco: checking...06:27
rustyarhuaco: gateway status says it is up...06:28
arhuacorusy: Yes, and it shows the injections. But i do not see the balance.06:28
arhuacorusy: Balance is 0.0 bits.06:29
rustyarhuaco: hmm, injected more than 3 days ago?06:29
arhuacorusy: No, I just did the injection.06:29
tpbTitle: Bitcoin Block Explorer | Wallet | Merchant Services :: (at
rustyHmm, no...06:31
arhuacorusy: I just sent two transactions... one with 5 and another one with 4.99. I think the first address in both of them is mzDLJTAWGVuZwwofZLXBxa676gHNU8QtHs.06:31
rustyarhuaco: I see them on my test machine...06:32
rustyarhuaco: what does getinfo say?  Maybe you got disconnected from network somehow?06:32
rustyarhuaco: you should have height 4199206:33
arhuacorusy: I see same the same thing shown here:
arhuacorusy: Thus, different height.06:34
arhuacorusy: "Can't find many peers, settling with 2".06:35
rustyarhuaco: wow, you're way behind somehow...06:37
arhuacorusy: Yes, I have been seen this in both a VPS and home desktop, for some days. My build is up to date.06:37
rustyarhuaco: I should have implemented getpeers so I could see what peers they're connected to.  We've clearly got a network split.06:38
rustyarhuaco: pettycoin-query stop, the restart pettycoin: does it catch up?06:38
arhuacorusy: FYI with the "stop" command I got a core dump. Restarting...06:39
arhuacoCore dump from pettycoin, not from pettycoin-query.06:40
arhuacorusy: Still behind.... Should I download the blockchain again?06:42
rustyarhuaco: woah!  Cool, looks like a bug (coredump shouldn't happen of course).06:42
rustyarhuaco: it should be furiously trying to get blocks from the other node.06:42
rustyarhuaco: let me try here...06:43
arhuacorusy: I see. Not doing it... I'll check the core.06:43
rustyarhuaco: having to rebuild master here... I'm on the alpha2 branch which is protocol incompatible.06:45
rustyarhuaco: what's your IP?06:49
arhuacorusty: (Behind NAT).06:50
rustyarhuaco: ah, me too.  OK, I'm conneced to and
rustyarhuaco: which are petty1 and petty2, my servers.06:51
rustyarhuaco: interesting... petty2 has also fallen behind petty1 somehow/06:52
arhuacorusty: I see. is a VPS at digitalocean and I always keep a pettycoin running there. In case it helps.06:52
rustyarhuaco: OK.. I'm going to restart petty2.06:53
arhuacorusty: It is also interesting that the two instances of pettycoin that I run got stuck in the same hash.06:55
rustyarhuaco: yes,e xactly.06:56
rusty37299 was where petty1 was stuck...06:57
rustyarhuaco: interesting... a restart did nothing.  There's something weird about that block, clearly.  Debugging time :_06:58
arhuacorusty: For me that number was 32219.06:58
rustyarhuaco: unfortunately I have to go to dinner soon.  Will debug tomorrow :(06:59
arhuacorusty: No proplem. Nave a nice dinner. I'll do something else and then come back to what I was doing...07:00
arhuacorusty: Client downloading new blocks...07:19
arhuacoBut only one of the two :-/07:30
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rustyarhuaco: hmm, I got a core dump too, unfortunately no gdb on that machine.  Testing on my laptop now...12:54

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