Wednesday, 2014-09-03

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arhuacorusty: Is there a gateway ready? Or, an address that I can query for transactions using JSON? (I do not know if this works). I am doing a test... and I would like dumbwallet.c:get_utxo to return something (not empty).11:32
rustyarhuaco: hi!11:33
arhuacorusty: Hey there.11:33
rustyarhuaco: I can inject coins through the gateway... hmm, it's down at the moment.11:35
arhuacorusty: I see. I have enough testnet coins, BTW.11:35
rustyarhuaco: hmm, interesting.  bitcoind returned "error: {"code":-2,"message":"Safe mode: Warning: The network does not appear to11:39
rustyfully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues."}"11:39
rustyand the gateway didn't expect that response, so exited.  Which is fair enough.11:39
rustyarhuaco: will restart the gateway now...11:39
arhuacorusty: Good. If I put something on the WEB where people can query  a pettycoin addresses, will anybody be able to check their pettycoin balance? (I do not know how sharding (will) affect this).11:42
rustyarhuaco: OK, gateway is back up.11:42
rustyarhuaco: at the moment, the pettycoin daemon gets all the shards, so you can ask it anything.11:43
rustyarhuaco: so, yes!11:43
rustyarhuaco: there will eventually be an option to only pay attention to shard(s) you care about, ie. where you have address(es).11:43
rustyarhuaco: I should really put up a page with the output of the gateway somewhere, so people can see it's working, too!11:44
arhuacorusty: Good. I have this "check balance on the web" as a goal for today, I hope to complete it in the next hours.11:45
arhuacorusty: Later I can show more transaction data (not today). I like this idea because it helps me learn about the structures.11:46
rustyarhuaco: fantastic!  Gateway is up...11:46
arhuacorusty: I do not know how to use it. Will you inject the coins or I can do it, too?11:47
rustyarhuaco: just send bitcoin to mnwYn3mP11dWvJUbyraBqYBkx8TgWSLgVn11:50
tpbTitle: FAQ: (at
rustyarhuaco: the gateway *should* create a pettycoin tx to the (first) address the bitcoins came from.11:51
arhuacorusty: Good enough. I will try it now...11:52
rustyarhuaco: I just injected 0.01 BTC from mvASkCxYqjMh3JK5VV52CrTWTwhe2T875G, so it should come out as 10000 bits to P-mvASkCxYqjMh3JK5VV52CrTWTwhe2T875G11:57
arhuacorusty: Thanks.11:58
rustyarhuaco: ah, interesting.  That triggered a bug in the gateway.  Bitcoind didn't work like I thought it did :(12:05
rustyarhuaco: will hack it for now by resetting gateway.  Will fix properly tomorrow.12:05
arhuacorusty: Good. Then if I do a TX, it will crash the gateway but it will be restarted and the TX should pass to the Pettycoin network?12:06
rustyarhuaco: it didn't crash, it just didn't inject the tx.  Now it has.12:06
arhuacorusty: Good.12:06
rustyInjected gateway tx { "tx" : "6f1c74d3a25c7170b6a6e425305132214e36efa8d6ce7564e827c9eea2136a8b" }12:07
rustyInjected gateway tx { "tx" : "be61e9ee34f70c26c15d4dbe884bb0520f14f5c6aca8e6cd86474a451890571e" }12:07
rustyarhuaco: eg pettycoin-query gettransaction be61e9ee34f70c26c15d4dbe884bb0520f14f5c6aca8e6cd86474a451890571e12:08
rustyYou can see the gateway paying "send_amount" : 1000000, "output_addr" : "qYCscBe9EMXaQCZriG4tZyub8V28UnVmrd"12:08
rusty(petty-addr says qYCscBe9EMXaQCZriG4tZyub8V28UnVmrd ==  P-mvASkCxYqjMh3JK5VV52CrTWTwhe2T875G)12:09
rustyarhuaco: time for me to sleep ;)12:09
rustyGood luck12:09
arhuacorusty: Thanks :-)12:10
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