Wednesday, 2009-03-04

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glaksmonodo you guys plan to apply to GSoC 2009?00:20
glaksmonoi've been wanting to contribute but i couldn't cuz of my super super busy schedule.. :(00:20
glaksmonoin the last 2 quarters of my undergrad, so i thought i could contribute during the summer and graduate studies.. :D00:21
SRabbelierglaksmono: yes, most likely Melange is going to apply as organization :)00:21
glaksmonocool, is it listed as Melange..?00:21
SRabbelierglaksmono: well, not yet, org app's haven't opened yet ;)00:22
glaksmonoyeap, i thought i could redesign thewhole thing00:22
glaksmonoredesign.. hehe..00:23
SRabbelierglaksmono: oh? :P00:23
glaksmonodo you guys plan to redesign it?00:23
glaksmonoi thought that it could be nicer with a new CSS based design..00:24
SRabbelierglaksmono: can you specify what you mean with CSS based design?00:25
glaksmonomelange uses Django framework right..?00:25
glaksmonoeven though i haven't personally dealt with Django00:25
SRabbelierglaksmono: yes, it does00:25
glaksmonoi dealt with Spring and a little bit of other framework like Zend and TurboGears00:26
SRabbelierglaksmono: ok :)00:26
glaksmonoand they could be integrated with templating stuff00:26
SRabbelierglaksmono: are you suggesting we switch away from Django?00:26
glaksmonoZend for example could be integrated with Smarty00:26
glaksmonono no00:26
glaksmonoDjango must have it's own templating system that could be integrated00:27
glaksmonoand then use that template to create another design00:27
glaksmonowhen i mean design is looks..00:27
glaksmonoDjango is a good framework, so i don't think you guys should switch to other framework00:27
SRabbelierglaksmono: hehe, ok, good :)00:29
SRabbelierglaksmono: so how does Zend/Smarty work?00:30
glaksmonoi tried Zend a litle bit00:30
glaksmonocuz i wanted to move from "scripting"00:30
glaksmonoto have something like MVC00:31
glaksmonowell.. it is MVC00:31
glaksmonoso that i could seperate my business logic and design.. hehe..00:31
glaksmonobtw, what do you mean on how does Zend/Smarty work?00:32
* SRabbelier nods00:32
glaksmonohow do they work together..?00:32
SRabbelierglaksmono: no, more like, how does either of them work00:32
SRabbelieras I know neither00:32
glaksmonothey're just bunch of libraries00:32
glaksmonoZend is like Django i assume..00:33
* SRabbelier nods00:33
glaksmonothey're basically the same thing00:33
glaksmonoi just checked Django, it says that i has its own template engine00:33
glaksmonowhich i blieve also applies to the new version of Zend00:33
glaksmonoin Java is JSTL i think.. :-?00:34
glaksmonoi used JSTL00:34
glaksmonobut idk how similar that would be with Smarty.. cuz i didn't go deep into it..00:34
SRabbeliersorry, what is JSTL ? :P00:35
SRabbelierand, yes, Django has it's own templates00:35
glaksmonoJava Tag Library00:35
SRabbelierworks very nicely with python00:35
glaksmonoi think the S could be Servlet..? or Server..? haha..00:35
glaksmonoSRabbelier: very nice.. :)00:35
SRabbelierJavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library?00:35
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tschwingeHello, I'm Thomas Schwinge from the GNU Hurd project.09:52
tschwingeAs per your request in the GSoC mentors' mailing list, I'm giving the new web application a try.09:52
tschwinge -- 500 Server Error.09:53
tschwingeThen, I think people might not immediatelly undestand what the link IDs will be used for and that they are permanent once set.09:53
tschwingeWhen registering the organization, you should not only request to specify an IRC channel, but also the server this is on.09:55
MatthewWilkestschwinge: It's a free text field, so you can do #plone for example09:55
tschwingeYes, yes, I do know that.  But the casual user simply might forget to specify the server.  (Is even likely to, as he's always simply using his pre-defined set-up.)09:56
tschwingeI would suggest to group main public mailing list and main development mailing list together.09:58
tschwingeWhen typing a space charater in the backup group administrator box, I get the A* names listed.10:02
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tschwingeIf I don't select ``I agree to the admin agreement'', but ``save changes'', it will be written in read that ``this field is required'' -- but only on the bottom of the newly-loaded page, and not easily visiable at the top.10:03
tschwingeSuccessfully created two mentor org applications.10:09
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tschwinge -- You need to be in the admin group to read documents in the program prefix.10:12
tschwingeIs that intentional?10:12
tpb<> (at
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tschwingetpb: Sorry, I don't undestand.10:14
tschwingeThat's a bot, i guess?10:15
tschwingeThe widgets such as on should IMO no tonly show 1-10, but also how man there are in total.10:17
tpb<> (at
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tschwingeFor documents I create under User (self), and also for other ones, it would probably be helpful to exhibit the revision history -- if you save that internally.10:22
durin42tschwinge: yeah, tpb is a bot10:22
tschwingeOK.  :-)10:22
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tschwingeDo the developers see my findings reported in here or should I submit them somewhere more official?10:34
Jeff_Stschwinge: there is a website to enter bugs... one sec10:46
tpbTitle: Issues - soc - Google Code (at
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tansell  File "/home/tansell/foss/temp/google/branches/0-4-20090305/build/soc/logic/models/", line 31, in <module>22:39
tansell    from soc.logic.models.ranker_root import logic as ranker_root_logic22:39
tansell  File "/home/tansell/foss/temp/google/branches/0-4-20090305/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/", line 982, in decorate22:39
tansell    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)22:39
tansell  File "/home/tansell/foss/temp/google/branches/0-4-20090305/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/", line 1572, in load_module22:39
tansell    return self.FindAndLoadModule(submodule, fullname, search_path)22:39
tansell  File "/home/tansell/foss/temp/google/branches/0-4-20090305/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/", line 982, in decorate22:39
tansell    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)22:39
tansell  File "/home/tansell/foss/temp/google/branches/0-4-20090305/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/", line 1480, in FindAndLoadModule22:39
tansell    description)22:39
tansell  File "/home/tansell/foss/temp/google/branches/0-4-20090305/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/", line 982, in decorate22:39
tansell    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)22:39
tansell  File "/home/tansell/foss/temp/google/branches/0-4-20090305/thirdparty/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/", line 1430, in LoadModuleRestricted22:40
tansell    description)22:40
tansell  File "/home/tansell/foss/temp/google/branches/0-4-20090305/build/soc/logic/models/", line 26, in <module>22:40
tansell    from ranklist.ranker import Ranker22:40
tansellImportError: No module named ranklist.ranker22:40
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