Tuesday, 2024-04-02

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*** ElfenKaiser <ElfenKaiser!~deadsalmo@2a0a-a540-a8a4-0-3eaa-9199-7712-eb00.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de> has joined #litex14:30
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*** ElfenKaiser <ElfenKaiser!~deadsalmo@2a0a-a540-a8a4-0-3eaa-9199-7712-eb00.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de> has joined #litex18:04
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*** haubke <haubke!~haubke@2a02-a463-6298-1-102e-ce6d-d853-30b.fixed6.kpn.net> has joined #litex20:09
haubkegood evening everyone, is there any option for me to try out 100mb/s for an colorlight 5a-75b v8.2 board?20:13
Hoernchensee https://github.com/enjoy-digital/colorlite/issues/8#issuecomment-169391318320:22
Hoernchenoh right 100.. sorry.. no idea20:23
XilokarBeginner (as in only a vagueknowledge of pci/fpga) question: I'm trying to bring up the example code for a litefury/acorn_cle_101 board on a 64-bit Raspberry 5.20:31
XilokarFirst error was: "arch assigned 64-bit msi address but device only supports 32 bits". So I tried setting msi_type to "msi-x" (as "msi" overrides  MSI_64b to false, I thought it was a good idea) But probing still fail with "Failed to enable MSI"20:31
XilokarCould anyone point me into the right direction ?20:32
haubkethanks i did read all of the problems with the v8.2 board. also yours. do you know why there are so many problems with it? is it the ddr? i thought it would. thats why i was aiming for the 100mb/s20:38
Hoernchenno idea20:38
Hoerncheni just tried a few delays and gave up20:39
haubketoo bad it is a nice board i think.20:40
haubkei cant even get a ping....20:41
Hoernchenyeah well it needs a few tries to end up with working bitcode20:42
haubkecould you share your delay timnings?20:44
haubkeif you still have them20:44
Hoernchenno idea20:45
Hoernchennothing worked20:45
Hoerncheni thing the bug report is basically the default20:45
haubkeahh ok thanks anyway20:45
haubkei think there is an delay already of 2ns default on the board. ( atleast if i look at chubby75 board defenition ).  i will keep trying though.20:47
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*** CarlFK1 <[email protected]> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)23:29

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