Sunday, 2024-01-07

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Guest61Hi everyone16:21
Guest61Yesterday i tried setting up the build enviroment, a bit of an upphill battle since all the guides are for linux, and since ive already installed the xilinx tools in my windows boot i figured the rest should be the easy part16:25
Guest61so currently im trying to chase down a compiler, it's looking like i'll have to compile it myself16:27
Guest61i thought i could go for the escapedoor of getting the sdk from sifive, but it seems they are not so welcomming since they require a business email16:28
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ysionneauI don't know if lots of people are using LiteX on windows :o19:00
ysionneauwould be interesting to have this kind of statistics19:01
ysionneauI would imagine most people use Linux but in the FPGA world there is a lot of Windows so ...19:01
Hoernchenthe obvious question is, why bother, considering there is wsl1/2 and you can use that linux shell to launch windows applications for synthesis and so on, so "pure" windows is probably just more difficult19:05
ysionneauI am guessing you are trying to target a risc-v cpu ...19:05
ysionneauI see there are windows toolchains here
ysionneauyou have xpack also
tpbTitle: How to install the xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC binaries | The xPack Build FrameworkHow to install the xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC binaries | (at
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Guest61oh hi, yeah i found the one at gnutoolchain, but it did not want to build. Some error about not being able to check existance of directories, i think the included make might be too old? (or perhaps its just a general windows syntax issue)22:05
Guest61Thanks for the tip about xpack, that sounds promising!22:06
Guest61i will probably look into wsl if this aproach does not pan out... and why?22:15
Guest61I guess im a sucker for pain lol. i only spent like 10 minutes trying to use WSL once as the solution to some other thing, did not pan out. I mostly remember being pissed off about about "them" making it a pita to set up or something. Overall the process of just getting a functioning make in windows is pretty broken.22:15
Guest61and you know, i already have the toolchain for synth, and python, so i "just" need the compiler then? it's the lazy dream of it being quick and easy, and then being stubborn.22:24
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