Friday, 2023-09-01

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somlo_florent_: I accidentally noticed the FIXME comment here:
somloand was wondering, in re. Rocket (and the fact that its RAM starts at 0x8000_0000) what I'm missing (since it seems to work) :)14:07
somlowhat do you mean by the comment that the dma region "covers lower 4GB only" ?14:07
somlothinking mainly about issue #1753, and whether this has anything to do with Rocket DMA being broken when using LiteX AXIUpConverter, but working when rocket does its internal LiteDRAM width matching14:09
somloLMK if this is better done over email (or as part of #1753 itself) :D14:10
somlosorry, noticed my cut'n'paste screwup earlier, the line I'm talking about is:
_florent_somlo: Hi, I was doing these change for NaxRiscv, but the # FIXME was already there. The change I did change a little bit the behavior for Rocket, since now the interconnect will be in 64-bit (the width of the DMA bus) and  SDCard/SATA modules connecting to it will be converted to 64-bit.  (Before the interconnect was 32-bit and there was a converter to the DMA bus in 64-bit).14:42
_florent_I'll have a closer look at the FIXME, to see if that's still relevant14:42
somloright, I noticed it was there before too, and dma with rocket also worked before (issue #1753 was filed before this change :) 14:44
somloI'm still building the post-change bitstream but assume it will be the same as before (dma works at least when rocket does its own litedram width matching)14:45
somlobut the change made me notice the fixme, and wonder what it actually means :)14:45
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josuah0x80000000 is less than 4GB?19:45
josuah4GB limitation sounds a lot like only supporting 32-bit of address space19:46
josuahbut maybe I misunderstood your question.19:46
somlojoshuah: thanks, that makes sense -- I got a bit confuzzled in my binary/hex arithmetic :D19:52
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