Saturday, 2023-07-29

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_florent_whitequark[cis]: sorry for the delay, I'm now also on matrix (FlorentKermarrec), thanks for your time on helping us for the bridge.06:44
whitequark[cis]made you an admin of the room06:45
whitequark[cis]admins can't demote each other so I will demote myself later once it's clear the room functions correctly06:45
_florent_perfect, thanks!07:02
sensilleso without the vhdl code my design finally works with yosys. it still does not work with diamond, but the colorlite example also doesn't work with diamond07:08
sensillewhich is still a mystery to me, because the diamond post-synthesis design works in synplify07:09
sensilleanyway, now i have to try the converter step for the vhdl, which i really wished to avoid, because it spills tons of errors07:10
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Mario1159Hi, it's there a reason why the sky130a pdk in conda ( suddendly it's 10x bigger in size than before?07:22
sensillegreat, ******* GHDL Bug occurred *******07:37
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josuahsensille: not sure what could have been causing this in so maybe it is elsewhere10:48
josuahwait... is anaconda keeping the package definition private?10:56
josuahoh right, because it does not know where the "anaconda upload" command was run from, it has no idea of where the package source repo is10:59
josuahand cannot link back to it10:59
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