Tuesday, 2023-04-25

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_florent_cr1901: I remember writing a minimal version for a project but this is probably not integrated in the repo. I'll have a look05:52
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_florent_cr1901: found something, but that's very old (from 2017-2018): https://gist.github.com/enjoy-digital/b64b9d9c5d6785f1d66cdfedf7bed3ff05:59
_florent_cr1901: not sure I would recommend using this, but this can give you some ideas, you can maybe try to mix this with a simple generator from another core, like LiteSDCard: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litesdcard/blob/master/litesdcard/gen.py06:00
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minutei added some convenience functions for SPI, but don't know if they work on other boards: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/pull/167715:20
minutefor SPI flash, that is15:20
_florent_thanks minute, I'll try to review this soon.19:24
cr1901_florent_: I decided that if it becomes necessary, I will take the arty example and modify that into a generator20:00
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