Wednesday, 2023-04-05

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somlozyp: I'm not really sure of anything at all: so far all I have to go on is an excel spreadsheet with the pin-port mapping and some rather dense verilog that converts the gmii ethernet demo used with the v1 board to rgmii01:06
somloif anything, that's where I might find some answers, once I train my pattern-matching wetware for what to look for :)01:06
somlobut no schematics (yet)01:06
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hansfbaiersomlo: There is a schematic for the previous version of the STLV7325 board though04:04
hansfbaiersomlo: Where exactly did you configure the delays that made the ethernet work?04:15
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somlo_florent_: follow-up question, what's the meaningful resolution on e.g. s7rgmii phy's rx_delay and tx_delay? I.e., if I want to "sweep" the [0.9e-9 .. 1.3e-9] range to find where my tftp transfer is "least choppy" when netbooting13:32
somloshould I try increments of 0.1e-9, 0.05e-9, etc? I don't have an intuitive feeling for how fine is no longer worth bothering with :)13:33
somlo*fine grained13:33
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somlohansfbaier: (on the off chance that you end up reading the logs): the previous version of the stlv7325 uses gmii (8 tx, 8 rx pins)18:45
somlothe new version uses rgmii (4 tx, 4rx); so the phy delays (currently at are naturally different18:48
_florent_somlo: The I/ODELAYs have 32 taps on 7-Series, so you could just make test the taps around the one that "work"19:23
_florent_somlo: if you print iodelay_tap_average, you'll get the increment you can test19:24
somlo_florent_: thanks, that makes sense (for rx_delay); looks like tx_delay works a bit differently19:29
somlobut besides eyeballing the tftp "spinner" and deciding it's "too choppy", maybe I should try using iperf to measure (and optimize) the delays for each direction (tx vs. rx) independently of each other...19:31
somlo_florent: for tx_delay the valid range is [0 .. 8.0e-9], so that tx_phase can go from 0 to 36020:14
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somloguess the resolution there depends on what granularity the phase parameter can be at, in a xilinx `create_clkout(...)` call20:26
somloit's from 0 to 360, but what happens when you feed it a decimal like 67.5? Does it end up rounding to the nearest integer, or can it handle sub-unit resolution on phase?20:27
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