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somlo | Anyone here have a STLV-7325 board? I just got mine, but I'm not quite sure how to program it with the bitstream; it comes with a single usb-c connector which I assume is for the uart only | 19:06 |
somlo | it also comes with a bunch of external cables, dongles, and another usb-c device: https://imgur.com/a/l8Mccrj | 19:07 |
tpb | Title: Imgur: The magic of the Internet (at imgur.com) | 19:07 |
somlo | the middle image is the usb-c dongle, the top image is the "cable adapter", and the bottom picture is a picture of the board's two jtag connectors | 19:08 |
somlo | I assume a second usb-c cable goes into the device, then cables get adapted by the top adaptor, and the "thicker" cable goes into the fpga-jtag connector on the board | 19:09 |
somlo | but when I program it, I get this error: | 19:10 |
somlo | $ openocd -f openocd_xc7_ft232.cfg -c 'transport select jtag; init; pld load 0 sitlinv_stlv7325.bit; exit' | 19:10 |
somlo | Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0 | 19:10 |
somlo | Licensed under GNU GPL v2 | 19:10 |
somlo | For bug reports, read | 19:10 |
somlo | http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html | 19:10 |
somlo | DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface' | 19:10 |
tpb | Title: OpenOCD: Bug Reporting (at openocd.org) | 19:10 |
somlo | Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "jtag". To override use 'transport select <transport>'. | 19:10 |
somlo | DEPRECATED! use 'adapter speed' not 'adapter_khz' | 19:10 |
somlo | fpga_program | 19:10 |
somlo | Warn : Transport "jtag" was already selected | 19:10 |
somlo | Error: no device found | 19:10 |
somlo | Error: unable to open ftdi device with vid 0403, pid 6014, description '*', serial '*' at bus location '*' | 19:10 |
somlo | anyhow, advice (and maybe a picture or two) on how others have connected and programmed this board much appreciated! | 19:11 |
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somlo | nvm, it turns out this https://github.com/litex-hub/litex-boards/blob/master/litex_boards/platforms/sitlinv_stlv7325.py#L302 should be "openocd_xc7_ft4232.cfg" instead of just ("...ft232...") -- at least for the current version of the board I just got | 20:15 |
somlo | well, I managed to program the board (the led chaser is on), but I can't find the tty/uart -- plugging in the on-board usb-c into the computer gets me: | 20:20 |
somlo | usb 1-3.4.3: new full-speed USB device number 44 using xhci_hcd | 20:20 |
somlo | usb 1-3.4.3: New USB device found, idVendor=10c4, idProduct=ea60, bcdDevice= 1.00 | 20:20 |
somlo | usb 1-3.4.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 | 20:20 |
somlo | usb 1-3.4.3: Product: CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller | 20:20 |
somlo | usb 1-3.4.3: Manufacturer: Silicon Labs | 20:20 |
somlo | usb 1-3.4.3: SerialNumber: 0001 | 20:20 |
somlo | cp210x 1-3.4.3:1.0: cp210x converter detected | 20:20 |
somlo | usb 1-3.4.3: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0 | 20:20 |
somlo | but if I then `screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200`, I get *nothing* :( | 20:21 |
somlo | smashing the keyboard gets the "pc tx / fpga rx" led to blink; the other way around nothing happens | 20:47 |
somlo | wonder if the new "board version" uses a different uart tx (fpga -> pc) pin on the fpga (the platform file has it as M25) | 20:48 |
somlo | or if my board's usb-c port is bad... | 20:49 |
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