Thursday, 2023-02-16

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pottendohi, a question related to litex_sim / RiscV (vexriscv) / Zephyr RTOS: I successfully ran the bare-metal demo on the SOC Simulator ( I now like to run a Zephyr application, built with something like 'west build -b qemu_riscv32 .' In litex-sim I use a command line like this: litex_sim15:35
pottendo--cpu-type=vexriscv --integrated-main-ram-size=$((65536*8)) --ram-init ~/zephyr-scratch/zephyr/samples/hello_world/build/zephyr/zephyr.bin15:35
pottendoNo changes (so far applied to e.g. Zephyr's device-trees for the 'board' qemu_riscv32). The program seems to crash, no output on the console.15:35
pottendoIs this possible in principle? If yes, where to start searching?15:35
pottendo(Note: I've successfully used Zephyr on a real target hardware: see here: and here: - for basic usage, adjustment to the specifc devices of the board in the devicetree were necessary on the Zephyr side)15:35
pottendoAny help is appreciated, pottendo15:35
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mithro seems pretty cool!17:02
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Guest64Hey, I have a question regarding the supported litexboards. I use a Zedboard, but want to add a pmod to it with an sdcard to it. Is this easily possible?21:46
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