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notdavid | so I'm a little stuck on adding a wishbone slave to the main bus. I have an SoC w/ a vexriscv (basically a carbon copy of the colorlight i5 with a couple things removed). I've made a dumb wishbone LED thing in verilog, hooked it up through a migen Module, with all the wishbone signals, rst, and clk (via ClockSignal and ResetSignal), then made a | 02:38 |
notdavid | new wishbone interfaced, connected the pins, created a new memory region (inside the IO memory region? I'm unsure about this, I did it because it complained that it had to be cached unless it was in the IO region), and added a wishbone slave. | 02:38 |
notdavid | Here's a gist with the relevant code: https://gist.github.com/davidlenfesty/1d301f2769c8f2ba77098e50ded77e11 | 02:38 |
notdavid | I'd appreciate if anyone could give me pointers, I'm sure I'm just missing some concept I could find if I went looking in the right place. | 02:38 |
notdavid | (err, my symptoms were being able to read/write some cached value, but that was due to a dumb mixup in my testing FW, hitting different behaviour so idk if anything I could say is still valid) | 02:48 |
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notdavid | okay, pretty clear from the generated verilog none of the wishbone signals are getting connected at all | 03:04 |
notdavid | gave up and switched to CSRs, and now the cpu hangs when I write to the CSR address ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 04:11 |
MoeIcenowy | mithro: do you mean let me upstream the changes? | 04:57 |
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mithro | MoeIcenowy: yeah, they might also tell you how they expect the include stuff to work | 14:02 |
MoeIcenowy | mithro: they expect some of the directories to be added to the synthesis program's include dir | 14:06 |
MoeIcenowy | which isn't applicable on some platforms | 14:06 |
MoeIcenowy | e.g. Quartus | 14:06 |
mithro | MoeIcenowy: Would https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-Quartus-Prime-Software/Search-Path-for-Source-Files/td-p/723522 help? | 14:09 |
tpb | Title: Solved: Search Path for Source Files - Intel Communities (at community.intel.com) | 14:09 |
MoeIcenowy | mithro: well I remember I failed on it | 14:11 |
mithro | I haven't used Quartus, so no idea | 14:32 |
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