Friday, 2023-01-06

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_florent_knicklicht: This should be possible yes, you can find some OpenOCD .cfg files in litex_boards, ex this one should be close to what you want to do:
knicklichtThanks, I will have a look at it. Currently I just use openFPGAloader to load it manually. I finally got everything set up. I also managed to build Zephyr and boot it. Really happy with how nice everything fits together. Next step: Enable I2S cores. It should be possible to have multiple instances of the same core, right?07:27
_florent_knicklicht: Great for Zephyr, what was the issue? (could be useful to know what it was is someone has the same issue in the future)07:33
_florent_knicklicht: The SoC builder will allow you to integrate multiple I2S cores yes, you will just have to see if can generate .dts for multiple instances.07:34
knicklichtI just needed to enable the timer uptime latch with: --timer-uptime . This is not mentioned in any tutorials out there as far as I can tell but the Zephyr build error hints at it07:35
_florent_knicklicht: if not, you'll have to edit the script of do manual copy/changes in the .dts.07:35
_florent_knicklicht: after this, zephyr should be able to handle the multiple I2S instances07:35
knicklichtAh, a quick search tells me that --timer-uptime was mentioned in the Zephyr guide to get litex vexriscv running on the Arty07:36
_florent_Thanks for the info on the issue07:37
_florent_I just opened to have a closer look at it07:37
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MoeIcenowy_florent_: BTW as I didn't change OpenC906 for a long time, should we create pythondata-cpu-openc906?08:45
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knicklichtIs there a tutorial on how to add a core to a soc? I found an example repo that shows how to add I2S but it's two years and I am unsure if it's up to date:
knicklichtWhen I try to build I get "i2s_tx Region in IO region, it can't be cached: Origin: 0xb2000000, Size: 0x00040000, Mode: RW, Cached: True Linker: False" caused by: self.add_memory_region("i2s_tx", 0xb2000000, i2s_mem_size). In the example the memory regions are allocated differently. Where can I find out how to do the mapping?11:12
knicklichtOkay, I bypassed that by setting the region adress to something before ethmacs bus range. Now I have a more serious problem, the i2s core seems to be designed only for xilinx devices. It directly usesĀ  FIFOSyncMacro from litex.soc.cores.ram.xilinx_fifo_sync_macro. Is there an alternative for the ECP5?11:42
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_florent_MoeIcenowy: We should create a pythondata-cpu-openc906 repo yes, I could look at it next week22:04

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