Friday, 2022-12-30

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MoeIcenowysomlo: my linux-on-litex-openc906 does automatic DT generation with initrd into consideration06:22
MoeIcenowyand for your initrd, do you use things like dracut?06:23
MoeIcenowythis kind of things could generate a multi-section initramfs06:24
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somlowell, if I'm not mistaken, you calculate INITRD_END by adding the size of your initrd file to INITRD_START:
somlothe problem I'm running into is that linux doesn't like that, at least not when my initrd is simply a gzip-ed cpio archive (not the fancy multi-layer voodoo that dracut does)15:29
somlohere: is what happens, and I can't explain the difference between what linux's initrd decompressor expects and the actual gzip-ed file size itself15:31
somloI vaguely recall it not liking the exact *dracut* initrd file size either, but I'll have a chance to test that again and confirm/deny later today :)15:32
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