Thursday, 2022-12-22

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knicklichtDoes it make more sense to ask a question here or in Discord?12:17
sensillei wonder12:50
sensilledo i have to move over to discord?12:50
knicklichtWell, I asked a question there but there was no response. So, not sure.12:52
sensilleah, rv901t12:52
sensillei just built something on rv901t with litex :-)12:52
knicklichtDid you try to build vexriscv?12:53
sensilleyes, but i never tried the way you did12:54
knicklichtI am new to the project and I just followed the quickstart guide. Is there another way?12:55
sensilleit builds for me the way you describe it, sec12:57
knicklichtHmm, I probably have some dependency conflicts. On which OS are you building? What did you do with the rv901t?13:00
zyptry removing the build directory and building again13:00
zypmight have some old state sticking around and breaking stuff13:00
sensilleknicklicht: arch linux. i'm building
knicklichtSounds interesting. So are you running a full Linux on the board?13:02
sensilleno. only a few hundred lines of C code13:02
tntknicklicht: I think most people on discord are also here.13:03
knicklichtdeleting the build directory didn't fix it13:03
knicklichtWhile I try to fix my dependencies I have another question: I want to stream 8 to 16 audio channels from my PC to the rv901t board and then use I2S DACs to drive multiple speakers (using appropriate amps). There are so many design choices. Does it make sense to use a softcore running an RTOS such as Zephyr on it to? I was thinking that I would need13:12
knicklichtsome way to implement RTP on UDP. While I love the flexibility of the FPGA I would like to do as much as I can in software.13:12
sensillewhat advantage would an OS give you over just having your single main loop with the protocol handler?13:15
knicklichtThat's the question I am asking. I thought a ready made OS will have out of the box support for I2S and Ethernet related stuff that I do not want to reimplement.13:16
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