Saturday, 2022-10-01

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tpw_rulesdoes dolu1990 have an irc nick?18:34
tnthe's not on irc AFAIK18:37
tpw_rulesah. is there a good way to contact him? wanted to talk about handling of the pythondata repos. might just send a PR if there's not18:41
tntThere is a gitter
tpbTitle: SpinalHDL/VexRiscv - Gitter (at
tpw_rulesactually this might be a question more for mithro18:44
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tpw_rulesmithro: i think it would be good if the pythondata concept had scope for additional code with the repo, or we did something else for the CPUs which are generated18:49
tpw_rulesit's pretty inconvenient to have the driver code which converts the cpu request to a generator invocation as a part of litex itself and some CPUs also do additional setup and downloads prior to generation which makes tracking versions complicated18:49
mithroI would just send a PR.18:51
mithrotpw_rules: it would be great if the pythondata repos handled generated CPUs better18:51
mithrotpw_rules: I just never got around to doing the "run command between git pull and git commit + push" bit18:52
tpw_rulesminerva sort of does what i want where the options are directly passed to code in the pythondata repo but it's done by shelling out to another python18:52
tpw_rulesin my mind there would be a little more intelligence so you can call a function directly on the data module to do that, or maybe query it for some option descriptions18:54
tpw_rulesbut that doesn't fit the template or "just run a command" model18:54
mithrotpw_rules: the complete code is at
tpw_rulesand that sort of code doesn't quite belong in litex because it's cpu specific and cpu isolated and not dependent on litex, and it doesn't quite belong upstream for a lot of the cpus because they are used in other applications or not python themselves18:55
mithrotpw_rules: the code was almost completely written while I was avoiding doing something more important 18:56
tpw_rulesmaybe i'm reading more into some grand plan than there really is :) i have a bad habit of that18:56
tpw_ruleslet's try again more directly18:57
tpw_rulesfrom what i get from issues and glancing at the code, your pythondata-auto tool wants to completely control the content of the pythondata repos and generate them from scratch using that .ini. but there are good reasons imo to add more stuff to them. how should that be done18:58
mithrotpw_rules: the pythondata-auto already copies files from the template19:00
tpw_rulesmaybe this is something to push upstream, but most of the CPUs don't have a working build command anyway without code from litex19:00
mithrotpw_rules: no reason it couldn't also pull extra stuff from another repo or something 19:00
tpw_rulesi was more thinking a semi-automatic approach where there's some script to generate the initial layout and separate ongoing maintenance to merge upstream code/update submodules, run build commands, and update the metadata. then glue code would be subject to the normal PR process and ideally change relatively infrequently19:03
tpw_ruleshaving an additional pythondata-specific source repo seems complex to me19:04
tpw_rules(that actually raises the question, why are the commits copied instead of using submodules?)19:05
mithroI would say we want to keep the modules updating as quickly as the upstream, so that prevents manual intervention.19:05
tpw_rulesyou wouldn't need to manually intervene to keep upstream updating though19:06
tpw_rulesthat ongoing maintenance i mention would be fully automatic. we would just have to think a bit about what parts of the repo the bot and humans should touch19:07
mithroThe main reason for not having humans touch the output is the version number issue19:08
mithroThe current version numbers are the sum of the source and pythondata-auto 19:09
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mithroVersion number needs to keep going forward and incrementing for things like PyPi to work19:11
tpw_rulesah that makes sense19:14
mithroVersioning is hard19:15
mithroBut I /think/ most stuff can either go upstream or in LiteX directly?19:17
mithroThe only reason you might want glue code in the auto repos is that you want to share it between LiteX and a non-LiteX project?19:18
tpw_rulesi mean the pythondata readme template sort of casts that as the default case19:37
tpw_rulesmore concretely i'm not sure how you would have the bot run a build command without introducing a circular dependency19:38
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