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somlo | gatecat: with latest yosys/trellis/nextpnr (as of yesterday afternoon), I can not just fit an FPU-enabled 64-bit rocket core (and ethernet and sdcard) on an 85-k ecp5, but it even boots and runs linux (no hang-ups, memory errors, whatever) -- nice work, thanks! | 12:27 |
tpw_rules | somlo: is that using linux-on-litex-rocket? | 12:28 |
gatecat | ooh, very nice :3 | 12:32 |
tpw_rules | your name is on that repo so i'm assuming yes | 12:37 |
somlo | tpw_rules: yes, that's right | 12:57 |
somlo | nice thing about this is I can switch away from bbl and use opensbi on both xilinx and ecp5 | 12:58 |
somlo | (opensbi does not do fpu emulation, which up until now I needed on ecp5) | 12:59 |
somlo | so yay for progress :) | 12:59 |
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somlo | gatecat: I might have spoken too soon: either I used the wrong (non-fpu) bitstream or it was a (very) lucky p&r and timing run -- I'm back to where the fpu-enabled rocket fits well but fails memory test (likely due to timing) :( Sorry about the noise... | 14:23 |
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fuzziphy | Hi, I'm looking for a way to add custom peripherals into the simulator (a peripheral on the wishbone bus with CSRs) but am unclear on the best way to do that | 16:44 |
fuzziphy | I know how to get it onto my ECPIX5 board by creating a custom board based on litex-boards as a template and adding to submodules in BaseSoC, but how can I run this in verilator? | 16:51 |
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fuzziphy | It looks like I can copy and modify litex_sim.py and add the peripheral in there | 17:07 |
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_florent_ | Hi, | 18:04 |
_florent_ | Moe_Icenowy: I started playing with the tang primer 20k, but haven't started looking at the DDR3 | 18:05 |
_florent_ | Moe_Icenowy: Since I don't have lots of time to look at it, I was planning to start from the work you did, is it available somewhere? | 18:05 |
_florent_ | somlo: just for info, Dolu got Debian working on NaxRiscv(64-bit)/LiteX | 18:08 |
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somlo | _florent_: nice! -- Was it with systemd and everything, or some "Lite" version of Debian? :) | 19:03 |
somlo | Fedora for instance comes with yosys/trellis/nextpnr packages, so getting it to load on an ecp5-based board would take us to the holy grail of "self hosting" | 19:04 |
somlo | I'm guessing it should be rather trivial to get yosys/trellis/nextpnr packaged (or just simply built) for debian, so maybe we're already there... | 19:05 |
fuzziphy | I've run them in debian, but never tried self hosting | 21:11 |
somlo | I've once successfully built litex+rocket+ethernet+sdcard bitstream for ecp5 in fedora-riscv running in qemu -- spitting distance, one might say :) | 21:18 |
somlo | running on litex/rocket itself, the issue might be not enough RAM for yosys, and way too slow CPU at 50MHz, even once an actual distro is successfully loaded (debian or fedora or whatever) | 21:19 |
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