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pepijndevos[m] | Is it fine to use whatever compiler you have laying around, or better to install the one from litex_setup? | 09:45 |
tnt | I've use my standard one without trouble at least. | 09:48 |
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tnt | It's of course no guarantee it'll work with yours but it's at least one data point. | 09:48 |
pepijndevos[m] | It's just someone added some stuff to my Rust HAL and uses distro packages so I was wondering if that's a good idea or not, since the setup script can also install a toolchain. | 09:58 |
pepijndevos[m] | https://github.com/pepijndevos/rust-litex-hal#cross-compiler-for-riscv-32i | 09:58 |
tnt | shouldn't be an issue. There is nothing special about the one installed by litex | 10:21 |
pepijndevos[m] | ok | 10:34 |
pepijndevos[m] | Maybe I've been burned a few too many times by weird packages that only work with gcc 4.9 with --long-fwoops | 10:35 |
tnt | toolchain ptsd :D | 10:44 |
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