Monday, 2022-06-13

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cr1901_florent_: I want to a bit more cleanup of my litex folder... can you confirm that both liteusb and litehyperbus are gone from litex and I can safely rm -rf the repos?06:34
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_florent_cr1901: you can remove them yes. liteusb code has been moved to LiteX. Same for litehyperbus's generic core; the ECP5 DDR version is still in litehyperbus repo (but we no longer install it by default)08:24
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jevinskie[m]Ugh, I hope I can leave most of these signals unused. This is a gige transceiver for an arria 10
_florent_jevinskie[m]: You can do things similarly to the other wrapper: Have an FSM managing the TX/RX init and then just TX/RX streams for the data.16:32
_florent_jevinskie[m]: You can probably start from an example from Intel/Altera and create the wrapper progressively from it.16:33
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