Thursday, 2022-06-02

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mithroFYI -
tpbTitle: Antmicro ยท Speeding up SoC interconnects with test-driven FPGA development using Cocotb (at
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_florent_mithro: thanks, now I better understand the PR (sadly for Antmicro I also asked to have regression test for this in LiteX, so they probably had to duplicate part of the cocotb tests in the unit-test :))10:55
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Guest58hello please, I have a question concerning litedram14:34
tntask, don't ask to ask.14:34
Guest58I am new to Litex world I have a problem when trying to run it says that it needs config argument and when I add it says the file is not found so do; I need to download it or create one or what I should do?14:38
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_florent_Guest58: (if reading the logs): you need to provide a configuration file to litedram_gen, you can find some examples there:
_florent_ex: litedram_gen arty.yml15:23
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_florent_you can find some examples of integration here:
_florent_or here:
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Guest34Hello, I am a new user of LiteX. My target board is and am trying to build a SoC with VexRISCV plus some peripherals. If I disable gateware compilation and software compilation, my flow runs. If I enable these compilations, I get an issue - the Makefile cannot find the location of SOC_DIRECTORY variable. Has anyone else seen this17:57
Guest34issue ?17:57
sajattack[m]it looks like soc_directory is supposed to point to the build directory of your board18:39
sajattack[m]so like litex/litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/build/digilent_arty/ for example18:39
sajattack[m]it looks like it's defined here
sajattack[m]also I came to say liteluna looks cool and congrats on the progress with litesata18:42
Guest34sajattack[m] : Thank for the response. In my sub-directory ./litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ I do not see a build sub-directory at all. However I see ./litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ . Any thoughts ?19:00
sajattack[m]well it would be where-ever you run the script from19:01
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somlo_florent_: after 89fdb498 (I think, it's the first one to break my build, but the error is different than what I get with master) I can no longer build rocket/litex (on nexys_video, in particular)20:20
somlothe error is "pythondata_software_picolibc/data/ ERROR Compiler riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc can not compile programs"20:21
_florent_somlo: thanks for the feedback, can you add a print of the binutils version here?:
_florent_and of the flags:
_florent_just in case, can you also try to do a clean build (rm -rf build)20:33
somlo_florent_: first off, manually commenting out / reverting 89fdb498 gets things to work again for me, so it's definitely the culprit20:34
somloI always rm -rf the build directory before starting a build20:34
_florent_somlo: ok, I did some fix on top of this commit to get it working on my setup, we would now need to understand what is different on yours20:36
somloso you want me to print out what it thinks the binutils version and flags are at the locations you pointed out?20:36
somlostand by, adding prints to my copy of the code...20:37
_florent_yes, just to see if this triggers to workaround to add _zicsr to march20:37
_florent_it could also be interesting to comment this:20:39
somloversion is "2.37"; flags are "-mno-save-restore -march=rv64imafdc_zicsr -mabi=lp64 -D__rocket__ -mcmodel=medany"20:40
somlostill the same issue with those lines commented out in common.mak20:41
somlobtw, my command line is:20:42
somlorm -rf build/digilent_nexys_video; litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant full4d --sys-clk-freq 50e6 --with-ethernet --with-sdcard --with-sata --sata-gen 1 --with-sata-pll-refclk20:42
_florent_ok thanks, can you comment this:
somloyeah, seems to work fine with that portion commented out20:47
_florent_ok, so while fixing the code I just made sure the behavior was as described in
_florent_on my setup, binutils is < 2.37, so I haven't been able to test this feature.20:50
_florent_I'll have a closer look tomorrow20:51
somlofor the record, my toolchain is commit 051b9f7 from Mar. 09, 2022 -- available pre-compiled from, in case that helps in any way20:52
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