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Guest6328 | hi, i'm getting this error in the simulation step that is related to a header file in one of the C source not existing. It's event2/listener.h file that is not found. Let me know if there is something that comes to mind or if you need more info and the traceback of the error. Thanks | 06:23 |
_florent_ | Guest6328: if on ubuntu, sudo apt install libevent-dev | 07:49 |
_florent_ | tnt: Hi, I've been playing with JTAG-UART/JTAGBone support on Zynq and should have been able to minimize the changes: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/commit/0a738002e0d24e8a34006c4535b0e5c8a64beae3 | 07:53 |
_florent_ | tnt: I tested on Zynq, Artix7 and ECP5 and this should also be OK on ZynqMP | 07:54 |
_florent_ | tnt: regarding the issue you had with jtag.capture/DRPause, this was I think related to the -endstate DRPAUSE in the OpenOCD script | 07:55 |
_florent_ | tnt: when avoiding it on Xilinx devices, I can still use jtag.reset | jtag.capture as reset condition for the FSM, even on Zynq devices. | 07:55 |
tnt | Yeah, the DRPAUSE thing is an optimisation of sort. But it only works when it's the only thing in the chain because of the wway openocd works. | 07:57 |
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