Tuesday, 2022-01-18

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_florent_bl0x_: sys4x is indeed used by the DRAM on some FPGA (Mostly Xilinx 7-Series/Ultrascale), this clock is used by the serializers/deserializers15:50
bl0x__florent_: ok, but could be turned into an option (at least for boards that have no DRAM built in), because it negatively impacts maximum sys clock.16:19
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_florent_bl0x_: sys4x is only present on boards with DRAM20:49
bl0x__florent_: Then it is probably copy&paste leftover in the board file for cmod a7.20:52
bl0x__florent_: Just in case there is a PR here: https://github.com/litex-hub/litex-boards/pull/32720:53
david-sawatzke[mflorent: I've written a small hybrid ethernet hardware stack based on LiteETH, that can filter certain packets from the softcore and process it in hardware: https://gist.github.com/david-sawatzke/eb81a836391eff6a88fa7a1b63b8a67c21:27
david-sawatzke[mIt's smaller than full blown LiteETH and can share the IP & MAC, but a bit hacky in some places21:28
david-sawatzke[mI don't think there's a good way to integrate this in to LiteETH, so I'll just leave it at posting it here for now21:29
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