Monday, 2021-12-27

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PeanutLitex seems unhappy with my Meson - I have 0.60.3 installed (through pip3), but check_meson in litex/soc/integration/ still is unable to find it.18:39
PeanutAny hints? 18:40
PeanutOh wait, it's building now ($PATH was not pointing to the right directory)18:42
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PeanutAlmost there now - 'INFO:SoC:Auto-Resizing ROM rom from 0x200000 to 0x7cc4", and then "Failed to open input file". Trying to build a SoC for the Butterstick ECP5 board.18:48
PeanutThe file 'gsd_butterstick.bit' is missing.18:50
nickoeWhat toolchain is to be used for the butterstrick? @ Peanut18:53
nickoeDo you have some more log context?18:53
nickoeWhat is the exact command you use to build it?18:53
PeanutThe second one is the easier to anser: ./ (from )18:54
PeanutIt fails at the very last stages, making the dfu - I think that the file 'config' doesn't get made or exist.18:56
PeanutYup, the config file is missing, should be at 'litex-examples/soc_example/build/gsd_butterstick/gateware/gsd_butterstick.config'18:57
gatecatare there any errors or anything happening before that ?18:58
PeanutNo, it seems to build the SoC perfectly. It's just that ecppack fails due to '--input {config}' failing, as the config file in question is not there.18:59
gatecatare you using trellis ?18:59
PeanutYes, trellis/nextpnr-ecp5 19:00
gatecatyeah, that all sounds fine, perhaps the problem is something in litex has changed the name of the file that's being generated19:01
gatecatis there a '.config' file of any name inside the build folder ?19:01
PeanutNo, I've already searched for \*.config19:02
gatecatwhat are the last lines of output before it fails ?19:02
Peanut"INFO:SoC:Initializing ROM rom with contents (Size: 0x7cc4).", "INFO:SoC:Auto-Resizing ROM rom from 0x20000 to 0x7cc4."19:03
PeanutThat's building the BIOS.19:03
gatecatsounds like it's not running yosys and nextpnr19:03
gatecatoh, can you try running it with --build 19:03
PeanutOh yes, CPU fan just kicked in - this is probably going to take a while.19:04
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PeanutActually that went quite fast, now I just need to figure which dfu-util target to use.19:09
PeanutWow, working RiscV SoC, running Linux, in maybe two hours of tinkering, this is very impressive, thanks!19:18
gatecatyay \o/19:21
gatecatglad it's working :D19:21
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PeanutSeems I spoke a bit too soon - where can one find images/boot.json or images/boot.bin? Is that supposed to be generated as well?19:50
gatecatI think this would only be generated if you built some software to run19:57
gatecat should be able to create an example boot.bin for test purposes19:58
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PeanutAh, I see - I thought the next stage would be booting Linux, but we're clearly still some distance away from that.20:02
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WolfvakYou can use the linux-on-litex-vexriscv repo, they have prebuilt kernels20:19
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PeanutWolfvak: they mention they have prebuilt bitstreams, but I haven't found the kernels/rootfs/opensbi yet?20:33
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hubmartinHi, I'm having some issues of porting LiteX to Lattice ECP5 VIP processor board. I have added SPI FLASH support but when I enable DDR3, the bitstream works (LED chaser works) but the new BIOS does not output anything on UART. When I load older BIOS without the DDR3 support (but with the new DDR3 bitstream) the BIOS starts correctly. Wehn I compare20:55
hubmartinthe objdump of ELF bios files, the linker addresees points correctly to SPI flash..
hubmartinNow I made it work when enjoy-digital on twitter suggested to disable SPI FLASH and keep BIOS in the BRAM.20:55
hubmartinSo it seems like ther is some issue with BIOS linking/compiling. Because with new bitsream SPI FLASH+DDR3 the old BIOS firmware works (of course, without DDR3 because there is no FW support)20:55
hubmartinThanks for any hints.20:55
WolfvakPeanut, they're in a pinned issue21:02
Peanut*lol* thanks. That's going to be useful, because I've just done the whole 'buildroot thing', but it barfs with 'Incorrect selection of kernel headers: expected 5.15.x, got 5.14.x'. So a prebuilt Linux filesystem is a great help, thanks.21:04
Peanut"Received firmware download request from device, uploading image, upload calibration, Upload to device failed due to data corruption (CRC error)."21:12
PeanutSo it uploads Image correctly, but it seems to fail a CRC check.21:12
PeanutOr possibly it fails on a missing rv32.dtb, that's the next file to get.21:13
PeanutMaking rv32.dtb (./make --board=butterstick) requires sbt, which would require installing scala and java?21:21
Wolfvakyou want to do "./make --board=butterstick --build", that way you get the bitstream and bios21:31
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Wolfvakthe kernel itself and opensbi are precompiled from that issue21:31
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PeanutOK, just asking because I've already built a working SoC bitstream.21:32
gatecatthat SoC example is probably intended as a standalone SoC and not linux-compatible21:32
PeanutAh, ok. Well, that should keep me busy for a bit again :-)21:34
PeanutThe Butterstick doesn't have a prebuilt image yet.21:34
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Wolfvaksince it's an 85F device you might even be able to fit Rocket or multiple VexRiscv cores21:50
nickoeAnyone who knows why I can't boot the demo app with --sdram --sdram-init boot.json?21:50
nickoeBut it works when loading via lxterm and the crossover uart.21:51
PeanutWolfvak: Likely - the Soc I built earlier only uses like 21% of the device. Would be fun to have a dual core, but I have other plans with it.21:51
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PeanutMeh.. so I think I have a Linux compatible SoC now. It builds, runs fine, but doesn't seem to have the serial-over-usb.23:05
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