Friday, 2021-12-03

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tcaltnt: that fixed it!!!08:28
tnttcal: \o/08:42
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leonsI've got to say, compared to how crazy running a bit-bang memory mapped I2C over wishbone over UART through a TCP connection tunneled through two SSH sessions with a latency of ~10ms sounds like, it works surprisingly well. Essentially doing the thing outlined here Thanks _florent_ for providing the infrastructure for that!09:44
leons_florent_: Would you mind placing under a free license? That way I can vendor it into my repository proper 🙂09:45
* geertu found "secret" code ;-)09:57
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zypleons, if you like, you can have this:
tpbTitle: JVnV Pastebin – View paste – Untitled (at
zypconsider it public domain, I wrote it13:06
leonszyp: Awesome, thanks! It works like a charm and is also significantly faster than the other one (presumably because of the microsecond-sleep delays which really aren't needed when you bitbang over wishbone-uart-tcp-ssh :D)13:32
zypit's not needed for bitbanging over wishbone-usb either13:43
zypi2c is usually doing 400 kHz without issue, where a half clock is 1.25us, good luck getting latency below that from a python script running on a regular OS :)13:46
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leonsyeah i figure 🙂13:47
leonsoh my, I just found out I can tell Element to stop replacing my plain-text smileys with unicode emojis... not exactly a great idea to have that enabled by default :/13:49
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bjonnhI see that:
bjonnhdoesn't have the Z7-2019:52
bjonnhwill it just require me to tweak some configs?19:52
tpw_rulesi just cannot get lxterm to work properly. i'm trying linux-on-litex-vexriscv on my butterstick and i can use openocd to program the svf just fine. but lxterm just prints garbage. some letters on the keyboard echo a different letter back but it doesn't really make sense19:58
tpw_rulesi get a blue pattern on the LEDs until lxterm starts then they shut off20:01
bjonnhI see that there are some XC7Z020 supported20:04
bjonnhI also found that:
tpbTitle: litex (liteDRAM, liteVideo, liteEth) Supported boards & Interfaces - Google Tabellen (at
bjonnhdoes that mean that the DDR is on the ARM and not accessible directly from the FPGA?20:09
tpw_rulesnot entirely sure if ethernet isn't working either or i don't have the network configured correctly20:25
tpw_ruleshow did you get this to work?
tpw_rulesi did change the RAM because my board only has the 2gbits20:29
tpw_rulesis the jtag uart just generally broken? i never got it to work right with my acorn either20:30
tpw_rulesthe design does instantiate a JTAGG block20:47
tpw_rulesso it must be in there20:47
_florent_tpw_rules: here is how I tested JTAG UART on the butterstick recently:20:49
tpw_rulesah hah, it needs --jtag-chain 49 . how am i supposed to know that?20:50
tpw_rulesi guess that's how the hardware works out. it should certainly be documented somewhere20:51
_florent_We need to document it yes, for now it was in this issue :)20:52
_florent_for the test over Etherbone, the build command is the one at 12-13s of the video20:54
tpw_ruleshmm, it seems the surgery to downgrade the ram did not work properly20:54
_florent_tpw_rules: I just created to look at it later20:59
_florent_and to look at the Butterstick DRAM21:03
tpw_rules_florent_: i replaced this line: with MT41K64M16 but it did not work. do i need to change the second parameter too?21:18
tpw_rulesthe first 2 bytes work, the next 2 bytes don't, and the 2 bytes after that cause the bios to hang21:18
tpw_rulesthe bios does only say it has 131072KiB21:19
tpw_rulesbut i would expect to see 256MB21:20
tpw_rulescan litex only use one chip?21:20
_florent_Just changing to MT41K64M16 should be enough21:28
tpbTitle: Warn : gdb services need one or more targets defined __ _ __ - (at
_florent_tpw_rules: and it was OK with the MT41K256M16?21:47
_florent_Can you try to increase the sys_clk_freq to 75MHz?21:48
tpw_rulesidk, i didn't try it with that. my board only has the MT41K64M16 chip21:48
tpw_ruleslet me try with just the commands you listed21:49
_florent_ok, I'm just trying to understand, but on my side I was testing with a 8gb version21:51
tpw_ruleshm, the problem is with linux-on-litex-vexriscv specifically21:59
tpw_rules(which runs at 60MHz)22:03
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tpw_rulesok, i tried rebuilding the linux-on-litex-vexriscv at 75MHz and it didn't help22:14
_florent_tpw_rules: you could eventually try to build by adding this: (we saw issue with DM support on ECP5, which is used by SMP, using the l2 cache avoid using DM and could solve the issue if this the same thing we saw on OrangeCrab/ECPIX-5)22:14
tpw_rulesdoes the l2 cache size make a difference?22:17
tpw_rulesi'm trying it for experiments' sake but unless i am mistaken it is already defined here:
tpw_ruleshuh, sure enough it works with 204822:24
tpw_rulesbut not 819222:25
tpw_ruleshm, now the --boot is failing with [LXTERM] Got unexpected response from device 'b'E''22:31
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tpw_rulesi can't get tftp to work either but i think that's a network config issue22:48
tpw_rulesi see ARP packets in wireshark but i guess the board is not receiving the replies?22:53
tpw_rules_florent_: how do you get bits onto this thing23:27
tpw_rulesi resorted to writing all the images to flash then recompiling with flash support23:55
tpw_rulesbut it works!!
tpbTitle: boot 0x40f00000 - (at

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