Friday, 2021-10-15

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trabucayre_florent_: spi is already done04:33
trabucayrejtag access is TBD :)04:34
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_florent_trabucayre: Thanks, I just tested it and it works perfectly07:36
_florent_and created to support the dev kit I'm using07:36
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trabucayreapplied now!07:39
trabucayreJTAG support seems straightforward to add -> this weekend (with a bit of luck and time)07:40
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_florent_trabucayre: The SPI Flash support is already great, JTAG support would allow us to completely avoid  the Efinix programmer (but only do it if it's also useful for you)07:58
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trabucayreit's always useful :)08:36
trabucayre(and in my TODO list for a while)08:36
trabucayreI will try it with xyloni. T120 dev kit is a bit too expensive for me08:38
_florent_trabucayre: Sure, I use the T120 because I also want to play with the LPDDR3, Ethernet and MIPI, but I should also receive a Xyloni next week09:08
_florent_trabucayre: The interfaces with the FTDI are probably very similar between the different dev kits09:08
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trabucayrefor T120 I don't know but xyloni: interfaceA: spi, interfaceB:jtag, interfaceC:uart, interfaceD: bank power (?)09:14
trabucayreI try to integrate xyloni but have an issue with PLL (xml db are a bit different for T8)09:15
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Guest7894@_florent_ thanks your fix for setting the ethmac csr map helped me. I was just building xilinx_kc705 extended with a UDPIPCore and a FreqMeter instance09:43
Guest7894Now after pulling the latest litex, I get a linker error : target emulation `elf64-littleriscv' does not match `elf32-littleriscv'09:44
Guest7894Google says that the problem could be with march flag being set incorrectly. After looking around soc/cores, I see that the march is set correctly to rv32im for the default vexriscv + standard09:46
Guest7894targets/build/xilinx_kc705/software/libc/cross.txt .. even has the flag -march=rv32im 09:49
Guest7894not sure what I am missing09:49
Guest7894_florent_  could this error be related to some flags gone missing in the picolibc update?10:13
Guest7894I can confirm that with a fresh install of litex, this still happens. I wondered if it has something to do with my RISCV install, but I just followed the steps here:
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somlo_florent_: commit 2c98ad94 ("fhdl/verilog: Create_print_operator/_print_slice, move code...") broke my litex/rocket build (at least) on nexys4ddr:
tpbTitle: ****** Vivado v2018.2 (64-bit) **** SW Build 2258646 on Thu Jun 14 20:02:38 M - (at
somlo_florent_: my command line is "litex-boards/litex_boards/targets/ --build --cpu-type rocket --cpu-variant linux4 --sys-clk-freq 50e6 --with-ethernet --with-sdcard"14:39
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_florent_somlo: Thanks, sorry for this, I'm going to look at it19:33
_florent_somlo: It should be fixed with
somlo_florent_: thanks, it looks like it's building OK now20:21
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Guest7894Hi All, what is the current recommended way to install riscv toolchain for vexriscv+standard ?23:02
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