Saturday, 2021-09-18

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jevinskie[m]Hmm that had a non-climactic resolution. Setting MDIO HW_CONFIG to “GMII” mode was the trick to making everything Just Work in 100 mbps mode :))00:41
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jevinskie[m]Is there a way to get a port name from a ClockSignal that connects to it? I’m trying to work around altera synthesizing away “keep” annotated symbols by using get_ports in addition to get_nets in the SDC generation but I’ve not found a way to “see” that two signals are simply assigned to each other17:23
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jevinskie[m]It’s super ugly but I hacked something up that looks through comb statements for _Assign and _Slice of the clock port to the clock net. I doubt Xilinx stuff builds anymore now though…20:11
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