Wednesday, 2021-09-15

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shenkishorne: I wasn't yet testing your changes, but I can do that once I get my kernel booting00:09
shenki23:45 < geertu> shenki: You need to build a kernel from litex-hub/linux#linux-rebase00:11
shenkii don't think that will help; the only driver that is relevant in that branch is the vexriscv interrupt controller00:11
shenkiand that wouldn't be loaded as the device tree doesn't contain the compatible for that driver00:11
shenkialso, I would expect to see early uart output before irqs enabled00:12
sajattack[m]<Melkhior> "sajattack: ilp32d requires..." <- I think maybe my linker supports ilp32d but my compiler doesn't? Does that make any sense?00:25
sajattack[m]I have my gcc toolchain and my kernel set to ilp32d, and I used the same toolchain to produce gdb, which resulted in ilp32d gdb, and I specified gcc with ilp32d as my linker, but I have no flag for rust to make it ilp32d00:26
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sajattack[m]nevermind, built an ilp32 gcc toolchain and now it's complaining it can't link soft float and hard float together03:07
sajattack[m]so rust must be using ilp32d03:07
sajattack[m]<Melkhior> "sajattack: ilp32d requires..." <- how did you configure gdb?03:12
sajattack[m]I learned how to get qemu and gdb to work together instead of trying to gdb on the actual board
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sajattack[m]so that seems to me like the stdout object is a nullptr04:42
Yam26I have a few questions about LPDDR4 ram.   Is it appropriate to ask here?  I have two channels LPDDR4. At 800MT/s, it's pretty reliable. But at 1000MT/s, the calibration is not reliable. If the calibration works, then I could run sdram_bist and use it with no problem. Can anyone give me a suggestion how to make the calibration more reliable?  The05:51
Yam26one that seems to be a problem is the read leveling. 05:51
Yam26Thank you 05:51
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_florent_Yam26: Hi, which hardware are you using? Can you share some calibration logs at 800MT/s and 1000MT/s?06:49
shenki_florent_: hello! I am writing a model for liteeth06:56
shenki_florent_: I am trying to understand how the slot selection works. Do you have a moment to describe it to me?06:56
shenki(where in the python does it decide which slot to put an incoming packet in, and how does it know that slot is free)06:56
Yam26_florent_  it's my own hardware.  07:14
Yam26can I just paste the calibration here ? 07:14
Yam26=============== SoC ==================--07:14
Yam26CPU:            VexRiscv SMP-LINUX @ 50MHz07:14
Yam26BUS:            WISHBONE 32-bit @ 4GiB07:14
Yam26CSR:            32-bit data07:14
Yam26ROM:            64KiB07:14
Yam26SRAM:           8KiB07:14
Yam26L2:             0KiB07:14
Yam26SDRAM:          524288KiB 16-bit @ 800MT/s (CL-10 CWL-6)07:14
Yam26--========== Initialization ============--07:14
Yam26Initializing SDRAM @0x40000000...07:14
Yam26Switching SDRAM to software control.07:14
Yam26Write leveling:07:14
Yam26  tCK equivalent taps: 4807:14
Yam26  Cmd/Clk scan (0-24)07:14
Yam26  |000000000011111111111111| best: 907:14
Yam26  Setting Cmd/Clk delay to 9 taps.07:14
Yam26  Data scan:07:15
Yam26  m0: |00000000000000000000| delay: -07:15
Yam26  m0, b15: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  best: m0, b10 delays: 24+-0607:15
Yam26  m1, b00: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b01: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b02: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b03: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b04: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b05: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b06: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b07: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b08: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b09: |11111111100000000000000000000000| delays: 04+-0407:15
Yam26  m1, b10: |00000000000000001111111111111111| delays: 24+-0807:15
Yam26  m1, b11: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b12: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
tntdude ... pastebin !07:15
Yam26  m1, b13: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b14: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
Yam26  m1, b15: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -07:15
_florent_Yam26: pastebin will indeed probably better for this :)07:15
Yam26my bad07:15
Yam26This is at 1000MT/s  when it is working
tpbTitle: 1000MT/s - working - (at
Yam26This is 1000MT/s when it is not working
tpbTitle: 1000MT/s - not working - (at
Yam26And this is 800MT/s    which is working like 95% of the time.   07:19
tpbTitle: 800MT/s working - (at
_florent_Yam26: The valid windows in the read leveling of m0 is not clean when not working07:24
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_florent_vs this when working:07:25
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Yam26yeah,  I notice that.  what do you think is the problem, why it is not clean. 07:25
_florent_this could be some wrong electrical setting on the FPGA side or LPDDR4 side07:26
Yam26I see.  07:26
Yam26it's highly possible :-)  07:27
_florent_you can probably do some tests with different settings and see how it impacts the calibration07:28
_florent_shenki: For LiteEth TX: The MAC has N slots, the software first checks if a slot is available, if so, it can fill the SRAM memory and then initiate the Xfer through the start CSR that will fill the slot FIFO.07:30
Yam26Can you suggest the settings that I should try ?       I read through LPDDR4 specification, it seems like I can do Vref calibration, but I don't think litedram is doing that. 07:30
_florent_The core then starts the Xfer when the slot FIFO is non-empty and free the slot when the Xfer is done07:31
shenkifor recieve, how does the hardware know that the slot has been read?07:31
leonsIIRC you clear the receive event07:32
leonsshenki: What do you mean by writing a model?07:32
_florent_For LiteETH RX, the core can only store the incoming packet if a slot is available07:33
_florent_If not slot available, the packet will just be discarded.07:33
leonsThere the receive packet is latched out of the FIFO, by clearing the event07:34
shenkileons: from software's perspective, once the memory region is read by the CPU the MAC knows the slot is free?07:36
_florent_Yam26: are you basing your platform on this one?
leonsshenki: no, you have to explicitly acknowledge the packet, like so:
Yam26Yes,  I was basing my platform termination based on that.  07:39
shenkileons: acking the irq, ok07:39
shenkileons: that's good to know! thanks07:39
_florent_Yam26: I'm not sure to know the current status at sys_clk_freq > 50MHz, it seems to be the default on this test hardware:07:40
shenkileons: we have a qemu model to do CI for Linux on microwatt. I'm adding support for ethernet07:40
leonsshenki: no worries. The driver I've sent you seems to work pretty well, but it's not really authoritative :)07:40
leonsshenki: that's pretty cool!07:41
leonsshenki: is that going to be upstreamed or published?07:41
shenkiI wrote the Linux driver for liteeth, but it was a long time ago, so it seems I've forgotten some details07:41
shenkiyeah, we will submit it upstream07:42
leonsshenki: heh. Yeah, I was about to look into that. AFAIK the current LiteEth interface has a pretty significant weakness -- specifically it uses an event source pulse for TX (
_florent_Yam26: I'll try to have more information on the max validated sys_clk_freq with the LPDDR4 test board07:43
Yam26_florent_ thank you 07:44
leonsWhere it should really be an EventSourceLevel. When you enable timestamping that already is the case. The EventSourcePulse doesn't really allow you to simply determine how many packets have been sent by the HW, you have to work around that in SW using the level CSR and it as far as I'm concerned that gets ugly quickly07:44
leonsAs soon as LiteX has versioned register sets in peripherals, we could modify it to use an EventSourceLevel and have the Linux driver detect that automatically07:45
shenkileons: this means software doesn't know how many packets have been sent?07:45
Yam26my board works fine at 50MHz, I'm pushing it.  I need around 1000MT/s for my application. This is calculated assuming with 64 bits wide already.  07:45
leonsshenki: it can know, by knowing how many have been sent and what the contents of the level CSR are. But it would be much nicer to just couple the event to the source of the FIFO which the HW has anways07:46
leonsThat way you can in SW just loop until the event is deasserted07:47
leonsand read a packet in every loop iteration. So the HW would tell you which slot to read. It would also make it possible to have an out-of-order send, for example when one would want to build a fancy LACP integration07:48
leonss/which slot to read/which slot is ready07:49
shenkiI'm not following you completely. I do welcome improvements to the logic though!07:49
shenkiIf you want to add some documentation (or open an issue that describes your proposed improvement) I would be grateful07:49
leonsI think it's an issue which has to first be solved on the HW side -- it would be a breaking interface change and we should introduce versioning into the register set by then07:50
leonsSuch that at least newer drivers could detect older HW07:50
shenkiyeah, that is something we have to be careful of now that we have support in linux07:50
leonsWe're already stuck in the situation that older drivers will fail badly and silently on newer interfaces, because the current interface is not versioned. I think that's something we must improve on. Not every software can read in the SoCs header files and know what the registers look like. Sometimes you want to build your software ahead of time07:52
shenkiYeah. One way to mitigate this is to add new functionality to new registers below the current set07:52
shenkithat won't always be possible of course07:53
leonsI'm thinking of something like a 32-bit read-only register, of which the upper 16 bits are a counter for breaking changes and the lower 16 bits would be a bitmask of features the HW has07:53
leonsshenki: yes, but changing the event handling in LiteEth would be an example of such a breaking change I think07:53
leonsAnd IMHO at some point there should be a breaking change. We don't want to carry over legacy interfaces to the end of time...07:54
shenkiyeah the bitmask idea is interesting. it would get messy; I'd prefer to collect up a set of improvements into a new major release of the gateware07:55
shenkithe downside is that goes against the iterate quickly approach that we've been able to have so far07:56
leonsThere was an issue for that once, but if I remember correctly it didn't get much traction. florent, would you be open to revisiting that?07:56
leonsAs more drivers make it into upstream projects the problem is only going to get bigger07:57
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shenkianother improvement to make would be to add DMA support to liteeth, instead of the CPU having to copy buffers into the SRAM08:00
leonsYup! All possible with a versioned interface :D08:01
shenkiWe can get about 30MBit on microwatt on the Arty currently. That goes up from ~20MBit with an optimised memcpy_io routine, so we're very much limited by copying packets in and out08:02
_florent_leons: I'm OK with this direction. We first need to improve the CSR mapping inside a module to simplify adding/removing registers inside a Module with a common API.08:03
_florent_Then we could add an API version register08:03
_florent_and update it each time the API is updated08:04
_florent_For the hardware capabilities, we would have to see if this  would need to be regrouped in a single register or it would be spread in the different registers08:05
leonsMakes a lot of sense. Do you want me to look into the CSR mapping?08:08
leonsAlternatively I would even be fine with putting the register set versions in a different register set, which people could disable if they so desire. Sort of a “peripheral discovery core”. But that might lead to even more fragmentation.08:08
_florent_leons:  Sorry if progress is this is slow on this, the scope if the project is very large and for now it's easier to have companies funding new features/customization than funding such evolutions/maintenance. I'm trying to get more people involved, but it can take time.08:16
_florent_leons: If you have time to look at the CSR mapping, this could be very useful yes.08:17
jevinskie[m]Hmm the triple speed reference demo from intel which works fine with my 10/100 adapter doesn’t even use tx_clk, just gtx_clk. I wonder if I have to feed gtx a 125 MHz clock and give the PHY core a 25 MHz clock divided from that?08:39
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emkatIs it possible to simulate other targets than the simsoc with lxsim? I'd like to simulate my own soc which contains custom hardware modules.09:45
_florent_emkat: you can use lxsim as a basis and extend it with your custom modules10:07
emkatShould I do that by modifying or is it possible to tell lxsim to use a different file?10:15
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_florent_emkat: For now youhave to modify manually12:19
emkat_florent_: I just read the contents of lxsim and found out that it uses entry_points.txt to call So I think that means I can just copypaste elsewhere, modify it as needed (but keeping the sim-related code) and run the main function, correct?12:22
emkatI have to go now, but thanks for your help!12:47
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Las[m]Hi, I'm trying to package Litex with Nix, and I need to figure out the dependencies. Is there anything other than Migen and Verilator?12:54
_florent_Las[m]: You can find the dependencies here:
_florent_And in the installation guide:
Las[m]Thanks, _florent_ how come it depends on both nmigen and migen?13:03
_florent_The Minerva CPU is written in nMigen and we are generating from nMigen sources when used in a design13:04
Las[m]Hmm, thanks!13:05
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leonsLas: I’ve done that already15:00
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leonsJust now got all tests working as well15:00
Las[m]Leon: Wait where?15:00
leonsDoesn’t make sense to upstream to nixpkgs IMHO15:01
leonsBut I can offer to split out the packages into a non-Tock related repo this evening15:01
Las[m]Quite a coincidence15:01
leonsIt also features an updater script for the TOML-defined package versions15:02
Las[m]I'm going to upstream Migen FWIW15:02
leonsThat’s great, I think that makes sense15:02
leonsBut for all the LiteX packages, not so much15:02
Las[m]Where are those TOML-defined package versions?15:02
leonsI have it on a staging branch currently. Only pushing to master once I’ve verified everything works. Let me upstream my local changes in a few hours15:03
Las[m]Nice, thanks15:04
leonsDoes it sound good for you to just split out the LiteX package definitions in a separate repo? I worked hard on getting all the tests working with the package interdependencies using fixed-point function evaluation these past days15:06
Las[m]wdym? Are you using something custom that isn't callPackage?15:06
leonsI would rather concentrate our efforts on one repo instead of fragmenting everything :)15:06
leonsI do use callPackage but there’s a ton of recursive dependencies for the check phase so I built a little magic to take care of it :)15:07
leonsI don’t think it’s very relevant for the general LiteX channel, should we discuss this in a private chat once I’ve pushed it?15:08
leonsIt’d be super great to have someone else involved as well, that means it’s going to be much better maintained :)15:09
mm001Hi! I have a beginner question regarding LiteX UDP. Maybe someone can help me. I have a RV901T board, and can build and load it with ISE impact. I can ping the board. Now I would like to make very simple UDP transfer, without CPU. I have seen in the code that the UDP core has sink and source.valid/ready/data. Can I directly access these signals in
mm001I have tested to wire the data[0] directly to the LED, just as a first test, like this: self.comb += platform.request("user_led").eq(ethcore.udp.rx.source.ready)15:16
mm001This must be wrong, because as soon as I send an udp packet to the board, the board somehow "crashes", does not respond to ping anymore.15:17
Las[m]Leon: I'm having issues joining your room BTW. Not sure if there's some federation issue between your instance and
leonsmhm, there shouldn't be - using it with others just fine. Perhaps you can invite me to a room instead?15:30
Las[m]I have.15:30
Las[m]Can you not see it?15:30
leonsNow I do and joined it :)15:31
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_florent_mm001: you could used the LiteEth stream frontend:
_florent_it's used here for example to upload DRAM data to UDP:
_florent_With LiteEthStream2UDPTX:
_florent_if you want to receive UDP data, you can use LiteEthUDP2StreamRX17:00
_florent_you'll get a valid/ready/data stream with your UDP data17:01
_florent_And you could do something similar to : self.sync += If(udp_rx.source.valid, leds.eq(
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mm001Ok, thanks! I'll try that out. Can I put LiteEthUDP2StreamRX directly into the class RGMIITest? Or is the UDP in this class already connected to something else?18:39
mm001Sorry, I'm still a bit confused about what is connected how etc... By the way, the also crashes without my changes when I send a udp packet to it. I guess that's normal?18:40
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_florent_mm001: it's probably crashing because udp.rx.source.ready is not set to 119:13
_florent_it should not crash with self.comb += ethcore.udp.rx.source.ready.eq(1)19:14
_florent_I'll provide an example tomorrow19:14
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jevinskie[m]@florent is the MII PHY core expected to work with a RGMII PHY if fed 25 MHz GTX clk? Or do I need to port the GMII PHY to altera ddr even though I’m only interested in 100 mbps mode right now?21:05
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mm001@florent Just tested with self.comb += ethcore.udp.rx.source.ready.eq(1), still crashes on udp packet...23:04
mm001(just for your info)23:04
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