Thursday, 2021-07-08

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modrobertwould a this fpga board be suitable for litex?
modrobertif not, roughly, what additions or changes might be involved to get it running?13:53
modrobertafter looking at this:
modrobertclosest match would be 'pipistrello'13:56
_florent_Hi modrobert,13:58
_florent_we already have the SP605 platform:
modrobert_florent_: thanks!13:59
_florent_but it's only suporting some of the peripherals of the board: Clock/UART/Ethernet13:59
_florent_For DRAM, you could look at the others Spartan6 boards with DRAM14:00
_florent_for PCIe, Spartan6 is not supported (could be but hasn't been done)14:00
_florent_If you already have this board, you'll be able to use it and already create simple SoCs with LiteX14:01
_florent_if you want to go further with this board, it will require some work14:01
_florent_If you are just planning to buy this board, I would recommend switching to an Artix7 or ECP5 that have better support in LiteX14:02
modrobertyes, that's fine, was thinking more along the lines if something essential was missing (bought the board in 2011 iirc, kind of old)14:02
_florent_you will not find a specific target for this board, but it should be possible it should be able to build the simple target on it:
modrobertnoted about Artix714:05
_florent_python3 litex_boards.platforms.sp605 --build14:06
_florent_This will generate a SoC with ROM/SRAM/CPU/UART14:07
modrobertthanks again14:09
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