Tuesday, 2021-06-15

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_florent_cr1901: Yes sure, we could merge a Jcore initial support. Are you planning to allow compilation with GHDL/Yosys as we are doing with Microwatt? (this would be useful for tests with litex_sim).05:58
Melkhior_florent_: word-addressing didn't solve my problem :-( must be missing something.06:17
MelkhiorCuriosity: while Wishbone default to 30 bits addr which I understand (https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/blob/6b8a35a2f8e3e90f505357c73f659774ade9a6c8/litex/soc/interconnect/wishbone.py#L41)06:17
Melkhiorthe SoC itself overrides for a 32 bits bus apparently (https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/blob/6b8a35a2f8e3e90f505357c73f659774ade9a6c8/litex/soc/integration/soc.py#L693-L698)06:18
Melkhioryet still only claims a 4 GiB address space in my log (INFO:SoC:32-bit wishbone Bus, 4.0GiB Address Space.)06:19
Melkhiormmmm I don't see that width propagated to the bus, so it might use the default 3006:23
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cr1901_florent_: At present, GHDL compilation is the only thing I'm supporting06:39
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geertucr1901: Cool. Is this J2 (nommu) or J4 (mmu)?07:59
cr1901geertu: J108:08
cr1901so "a stripped down J2"08:08
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Melkhior_florent_: got my bug; I wasn't re-setting SEL so it reseted to 0 when I was sending data on the bus...09:33
Melkhiorpresumably with no bytes selected it's normal for the CSR 're' signal to never be asserted, so the chaser kept chasing09:34
MelkhiorI can now change the LED status from the PROM through SBus & Wishbone :-)09:34
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david-sawatzke[mIs there any way to "properly" do a register array in litex? Like dimElementGroup in svd?12:05
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mithroJust a reminder that I have a spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XTHfdYXuvwoYdPXm4M6qDA0D2fZCPy220-9q6qZpTw4/edit#gid=566444457 with a bunch of information about LiteX boards, CPU, firmware, drivers, etc17:13
tpbTitle: LiteX Soft-CPU, FPGA and Firmware Support - Google Tabellen (at docs.google.com)17:13
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